When The British Media Moves Sharply To The Right The Lickspittle Starmer Will Blindly Follow

I have a very simple question for you this morning. I know the answer, and you know the answer, but for the benefit of the people at the back I will ask it again. 

Should a Labour leader - any Labour leader - promote a contemptible vomitous right-wing tabloid that’s owned by a racist tax-shy billionaire that has dedicated much of his 92 years on earth to contaminating our society with divisive and dishonest propaganda? 

Keir Starmer once said to the people of Liverpool, “This city has been wounded by the media. The S*n in this city, the hurt in this city, and I certainly won't be giving any interviews to The S*n during the course of this campaign”. 

So at what point did Keir Starmer go from ‘fuck the S*n’ to ‘yes Mr Murdoch, how far would you like me to jump to the right, Sir?’. 

My guess would be roughly the same time Starmer decided the monarchy doesn’t need abolishing, the NHS needs further private investment, nationalisation is the root of all evil, and tuition fees should be paid after all. 

Once Starmer got the Labour membership votes he had everything he needed to manipulate the Labour Party into a model that not only satisfies him but also his various paymasters, many of whom still haven’t recovered from an election 6 years ago where we were only a couple of thousand votes shy of a socialist government. 

The rich and powerful won’t ever let that happen again, or at least certainly not in my lifetime. They are conservatives because they fear change, they are slaves to the status quo, and the lickspittle Starmer is just another arsehole conservative hiding behind a red rosette. 

Now I know the reaction I’ll get from the usual crowd (those who are still morally defective enough to think “#FBPE” and “Starmer for PM”, belong in the same sentence. 

This is because they are particularly wearisome and tedious individuals, much like Keir Starmer, the man they genuinely believe is the saviour of Britain based on the fact he isn’t the disgraced liar Boris Johnson. 

So come and tell me I’m doing the Conservatives work by writing about Keir Starmer every fucking week and I will gladly tell you I wouldn’t feel the need to write about Keir Starmer every week if he wasn’t such a grade A c**t. 

Is that clear enough for them, the Tory enabling ex Lib Dem scrapings from the pits of humanity, or do I really need to elaborate? 

Starmer’s hopes remain pinned on the Tories continuing to be as popular as Prince Andrew, underpinned by the Labour leaders obsession with his overwhelmingly lacklustre politics of miserabilism. 

I think it was the brilliantly-talented Robin Williams that said something about politicians being made to wear jackets carrying the names of their sponsors, like racing car drivers, then you will know who they are owned by. 

I can tell you one thing for sure, Keir Starmer is going to need a huge fucking coat by the time the next general election comes around because his list of donors and supporters reads like a list of pissed off Tories whose only interests rarely stretch beyond access and influence. 

If a big business with a vested interest approached Starmer with a huge bag of cash it would be illegal for Starmer to take the cash. But if the big business goes through a lobbyist it’s absolutely fine. 

The fraud Keir Starmer is the lobbyists wet dream, and the political system that allows this blatant corruption to flourish without hindrance simply isn’t compatible with a functioning democracy.

The brazen dishonesty of Keir Starmer is quite staggering really. We seem to live in a time where the voting public tend to favour racists and liars as their potential Prime Ministers over decent and principled individuals.

But why? Why are people so painfully brainwashed into thinking the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are beyond reproach? 

The modern propaganda techniques used by the mainstream media depicts interventionist politicians such as Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders as evil, subversive, and the old favourite, a threat to national security. 

This method is used to provoke hyper-nationalism so even a run of the mill Brownite like Ed Miliband is called “red Ed” and his father was called the “man that hated Britain”. 

They don’t call Starmer “red”, they don’t call Starmer a “Marxist”, and they certainly don’t call him a “national security risk”, despite the fact Starmer’s foreign policies are exactly the sort of hawkish shit that puts our nation in grave danger. 

If bowing down to the peddlers of hatred and division is the only viable route to power I would rather stand up straight and tell them exactly where to shove that power, because without some basic principles at its foundations it really isn’t a power worth having. 

The British media is owned and controlled by a small number of huge corporations and special interests, and where the political spectrum has moved sharply to the right, the politicians have followed. 

So rather than put forward a progressive agenda that sees communities put before corporations, your health put before an investor's wealth, and the interests of the working classes put before the shareholdings of the ruling class, Starmer has chosen to drag the Labour Party to the right and park his tanks on Tory lawns. 

Whether it be the hideous S*n or the tax-avoiding Mail, Starmer has sold any last semblance of integrity in his quest for validation from the toxic media influences that have such a profoundly damaging effect on our everyday lives. 

Rather than stand for something Starmer has opted to stand for someone, and unfortunately that will never be you or me, because we’ve been here before, we’ve still got the T-shirt that says, “we’re all in this together”. 

All we need now is for Starner to relaunch David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ thing, and the transformation from ‘lefty human rights lawyer’ to socially conservative hoop licker of the elite will be complete. 

Like many of his columns for the billionaire media elite, Keir Starmer belongs behind a permanent paywall, because he serves no tangible purpose to the millions of us that once dared to dream of a real Labour government. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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