There’s Something Very Rotten At The Heart Of The Labour Party

Good morning  and welcome to another edition of ‘Keir Starmer is a pathetic fraud: We fucking told you so’. 

If you happen to be deluded enough to be a supporter of the shameless snake of a Tory Starmer and you’re reading this, thanks for the click, now turn around and fuck off back to the Guardian. 

This is a Tory enabler free zone. Your lesser of two evils is still my enemy because it is still evil. Your centrism is an albatross around the neck of meaningful change. 

What a fucking criminal waste of a Clause Four on steroids Labour Party that (despite the best efforts of Mr Jeremy Corbyn) has never recovered from its embrace of the disastrous capitalist model. 

Maybe it is just me, but it almost seems inconceivable that Labour was the first ever political party in Britain to stand for the representation of the low-paid working class. 

The Labour Party of today will stand on the throats of the working classes if it scores them a favourable headline or two with the right-wing media. I offer you the rail and nurses strikes to support my simple statement of fact.  

I digress. 

Earlier this week Channel 4 got their hands on a copy of a damning letter addressed to Keir Starmer from a group of Black Labour MPs. 

The unnamed MPs said: 

“Despite our party’s claims to be anti-racist … we, our members and supporters are losing faith in the ability and commitment of this leadership to tackle the issues raised in the Forde report, and we demand urgent action.” 

Sadly, the Black MPs that spoke with Channel 4 didn’t want to speak on camera because they didn’t want to lose the party whip, such is the culture of fear under Starmer’s leadership. 

Swathes of us on the left have spoken of Labour’s hierarchy of racism for some time now. 

All forms of discrimination and racism are unacceptable and wrong, be in no doubt of that, but the legitimate concerns about anti-Black racism and Islamophobia raised by Martin Forde have not been treated with the same seriousness as allegations of antisemitism, and this is completely and utterly abhorrent. 

But this isn’t a huge shock to anyone that has been keeping a close eye on the Labour Party because this leadership is more than happy to pander to the government’s divisive anti-refugee rhetoric. 

The Labour Party was once a proud anti-racist party, and it really wasn’t that long ago. But what about now, under the appalling leadership of Keir Starmer? 

The Labour Party, or should I say *this* Labour Party has absolutely no right to call itself an anti-racist Party while BAME members are leaving the party in their droves. 

This Labour Party has no right to call itself an anti-racist Party if the leadership can’t even offer a sincere apology to the Labour Muslim Network following their damning report into Islamophobia in the Labour Party. 

And this Labour Party has no right to call itself an anti-racist Party while they are purging record numbers of Jewish left-wing socialists for speaking truth to power. 

If failing to address widespread racism in your party was an Olympic sport, the fucking diabolical wretch Starmer would be a gold medalist. 

The hierarchy of racism in Starmer’s cesspit of a Labour Party is very much real.

Ask Diane Abbott. Ask the Labour Muslim Network. Ask the thousands of BAME comrades who have already left the Labour Party in disgust, or ask the Jewish left-wing socialists that have been unceremoniously kicked out of the Labour Party for daring to challenge the vicious smear campaign against them. 

Think back to the Labour Leaks scandal where the fucking vile and blatant racism contained in the report was just seen as an inconvenient obstacle and of lesser importance than tracking down the people that leaked the report in the first place. 

Keir Starmer hasn’t got any anti-racist credentials. Platitudes count for fuck all when you are being targeted for the colour of your skin alone. 

I’ve just stopped to make a cuppa and I’m wondering if any Starmerites are still here, or have I sufficiently pissed them off enough for them to rage-tweet “Tory enabler”?

Here’s the thing with the Starmer Stans. They don’t really think like most of us. They see an attack on their precious shitehawk Starmer as an endorsement of the Tory government, because they have shit-for-brains.

The fact their demagogue Keith doesn’t care if people think he is a Tory is completely lost on them. Throw in Starmer’s conservative confessions and the poor little centrist lambs need to go back to Labour HQ for reprogramming. 

If you ask the Starmer supporters about Labour’s well documented anti-Black racism you can absolutely guarantee they will come back at you with Jeremy Corbyn and antisemitism. 

The Starmerites are willingly using a well known smear to weaponise antisemitism so they don’t have to answer the questions regarding Keir Starmer’s critical failures to address the racism running through the veins of HIS Labour Party. 

Just for one moment replace “Starmerites” with “Corbynites”, and replace “Keir Starmer” with “Jeremy Corbyn”. 

Panorama would have a fucking field day. BBC Newsnight would have an hour long special. The little bar that scrolls across the bottom of your TV screen when you watch BBC and Sky News would mention nothing but Jeremy Corbyn. Mr Corbyn’s street would look more like a field in Glastonbury with the world's press, tents in hand, gathering on his doorstep to moan about the state of his front garden. 

But things are very different for Keir Starmer. 

Starmer intentionally throws the red meat to the Neanderthal racists as he has seen how well it worked for Boris Johnson.

If you quietly dress up your racism with flags and small boats you will appeal to a particular type of voter because it gives them the licence to blame minorities for the failings of their government.

The politics of division is an incredibly powerful force and it can only be countered by the politics of hope. But what if all hope is gone?

Starmer’s first crucial mission was to suffocate any hope that was left in the Labour Party because this would allow his chosen politics of division to go unchallenged. 

And he succeeded. At least, for now.

I genuinely once believed that the Labour Party could make a massive difference to the lives of the people that needed a Labour government that was true to its values. 

But the Labour Party under Keir Starmer has abandoned any semblance of morality in favour of right-wing clickbait rhetoric. 

The Labour Party hasn’t just lost its way, it has been intentionally driven to the dark place where you find it today by Keir Starmer and his fucking gormless acolytes.

Starmer has been playing the politics of division for some time now. Even before his leadership started he was using Brexit to seek disharmony while the grown ups in the room worked day and night to find a solution that would bring people together.

I have said it before and I will say it again and I make no apologies for it. Labour is a filthy racist cesspit. 

It isn’t far off a year since the publication of the Forde report and anti-Black racism and Islamophobia is still not treated as seriously as antisemitism within the Labour Party. 

There cannot be a hierarchy of racism, whether that is in the Labour Party, the Conservatives, or in wider society. 

Racism and discrimination can have devastating consequences for the people that are subjected to it, and any Labour leader worth their salt should be at the front of queue when it comes to confronting it. 

But that isn’t ever going to happen with Keir Starmer because he is an accomplice of division and a gutless establishment lickspittle with the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. 

The Forde report was a call to action that simply cannot be ignored because the Labour Party, tragically, is becoming a hostile environment for black and ethnic minority members, and that really is a shameful disgrace, Keir Starmer.

Until next time, 


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