Starmer Has Sold Labour’s Soul To The Billionaire Media

Sometimes I listen to a bit of commercial radio on a Friday and a Saturday evening. The presenter's name is Nick Abbot, he’s a genuinely funny man and holds many views that would resonate with the vast majority of you that are reading this now. 

But Abbot does have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to Keir Starmer - despite being a regular defender of Jeremy Corbyn - because he views Starmer as the lesser of two evils rather than what he is: a Tory in a red tie with the charm of a Betterware catalogue.

Just last week Abbot almost sounded surprised when he described Starmer as positioning himself  “to the right” of the Tories on immigration. 

So I’m wondering what he will have to say about Starmer’s Damascus-like conversion to making Brexit work? 

I have always insisted Keir Starmer supported the second referendum campaign so he could use the People’s Vote Ltd nonsense as a Trojan horse to screw over Jeremy Corbyn and claim the leadership for himself and all those that line his pockets. 

Jeremy and his closest advisers fancied supporting a second referendum about as much as I fancy breaking 38 years of vegetarianism with a liver and bacon casserole. 

How many of these fraudulent liberals like Starmer really gave a shit about the Remain campaign? 

The same can be said for the Brussels-or-bust-brigade that slithered around social media like a snake covered in Frylite. You know the ones, they have replaced their FBPE thing with a permanent erection for Zelensky? 

The centrist ex-Remain commentariat have gone from ‘Armageddon for EU all’ to ‘Starmer is right to want to make Brexit work’ nearly as quickly as it will take me to point out I honestly couldn’t give two hoots about the gopher-bothering Schofield when the planet is burning and more than 20% of us in Britain live in poverty. 

But I tell you who did suggest making Brexit work way back in 2016, just before Labour went on to claim their biggest vote share in two decades at the 2017 general election. Jeremy Corbyn, of course. 

Funnily enough, Mr Starmer, Jeremy didn’t need to go cap-in-hand to a divisive and toxic tabloid like the S*n, or the Mail, or behind a paywall in the Times, and what was it this week? The Daily fucking Express. 

Words fail me at times. 

The Express - which offers little more than hysterical and racist coverage of immigration, freak weather events, touting cures for Alzheimer’s, and theories about the death of Princess Diana - has seen their year-on-year circulation drop by a staggering but satisfying 18%. 

So it makes absolute sense for a hysterical, racist, freakish servant of the rich and powerful to drag his treacherous carcass to Daily Express HQ to ‘reach out’ to the suburban right that still believe Boris Johnson handed over *all* of his WhatsApp messages to the Covid inquiry. 

Keir Starmer knows as well as you and I that his route to power isn’t in the hands of the bigoted fucking arsehole Express devotees that love the idea of social hierarchy, but with the collapse of the Conservative Party. 

Starmer doesn’t need to go to the S*n, the Mail, the Times, the Telegraph and the Daily Express. He just needs to sit back and let the Tories eat themselves. 

But Starmer wants to keep the billionaire media on side with his apparent tough stance on matters of great importance to their readers such as ‘Weed smokers? Lock ‘em up and throw away the key’ and of course, small boats crossing the English Channel. 

Starmer’s relationship with the right-wing press has rapidly gone from bad to worse for anyone that isn’t racist, sexist, fascist, homophobic, anti-science, climate change denying, conspiracy theorising and thoroughly fucking gormless..

Starmer’s establishment media friends are no more than an affirmation service for right-wing xenophobes - it tells them what they already believe rather than telling them what to believe. 

The ‘readers’ of the right-wing media are the kind of people that take their go to a car wash on a Sunday afternoon, and they’ll have a group of Eastern Europeans wash their car, directly benefiting from their cheap labour. 

But by Sunday evening they will be tell anyone bored enough to listen that we should be sinking the small boats and sending home Eastern Europeans. 

These fucking idiots moan about a lack of policing, or a bloated and incompetent NHS without even stopping for one moment to think it’s them that keeps voting for these ridiculously awful governments. 

Starmer embraces these people because he doesn’t have a single solid principle that he is able to claim as his own. Remember, he once wanted to abolish the monarchy, now he kisses royal butt as if his life depends on it.

Keir Starmer keeps dragging the Labour Party to the right without any resistance from the so-called left-of-centre media such as the Guardian and The Mirror - both of which are propaganda tools of the establishment.  

The Socialist Campaign Group has less influence in the Labour Party than Larry the Downing Street cat and the few remaining fibres of socialism - such as Labour’s North of Tyne Mayor, Jamie Driscoll - are being pulled apart by Captain Ten Pledges under the orders of his right-wing paymasters. 

Starmer the beige isn’t against the machine. He is a vital proponent *of* the machine. 

Did anyone really believe a bloke named “Sir” got into politics to improve the lives of the British people? Don’t be so fucking naive. Charity towards corporations will always begin at home with these elitist freeloading frauds.

Starmer told you he was going to abolish the House of Lords but there is a greater chance of me becoming Baroness Swindon. 

Starmer told you he was going to abolish tuition fees but there is a greater chance of me beating Noam Chomsky at a linguistics-themed game of Trivial Pursuit. 

Keir Starmer is a liar, a backstabber, a user, and therefore a Tory. 

A liar? Ten pledges. A backstabber? Ask anyone that worked in Jeremy Corbyn’s office. A user? Socialists and remainers, he stole your votes. A Tory? Starmer doesn’t care if people think he is a conservative. 

I still can’t see far beyond a Labour victory at the next general election, possibly with a small but workable majority, and while the name above the door might change, the Thatcherite ideology remains. 

I’m sick of Labour politicians and their insidious relationship with the right-wing media, but it is increasingly apparent that these two hateful entities need each other a damn sight more than what we will ever need either of them.

The generation that follows mine is well equipped to bring about the kind of change that Jeremy Corbyn promised to make in 2017. I just hope I live long enough to see it, because nothing would make me happier than seeing the collapse of this corrupt sham of a democracy, once and for all. 

Until next time, 


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