
Showing posts from November, 2020

£100,000 To Unveil A Thatcher Statue - Yet Local Food Bank Supplies 39 Tonnes Of Food In One Year

Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? It’s not too early for that, don’t talk nonsense.  But we are approaching and end of the year 2020, so if you feel better for putting up your lights a bit early as some sort of token gesture of defiance against Covid-19, the government, that loser that spends their days trolling you on Twitter, or even Sir Keith Stalin, so do I.  2020 has been an odd year. Obviously it has been a year of devastating, tragic loss. But you know what else it has been a year of? I’ll give you some clues...  ‘Patriots’.... Churchill ... you must be getting close?  How about Bristol ... Nazi salutes ... Burberry baseball caps ...  Correct. Statues. 2020 has involved statues way too much for my liking.  Now most statues do serve a purpose, for every pigeon needs to have a poo, and I can understand putting up (I could’ve said erecting) a bronze sculpture to a heroic sporting figure, say Marcus Rashford, or a big lump of concrete dedicated to an ordinary human that

Factionalism Has To Go, Along With Keir Starmer

  “Factionalism has to go”.   These are the words currently being used to highlight the utter hypocrisy of Keir Starmer, for it is he, Keir Starmer, that said these words while lying through his teeth to ensure he landed the top job.  I have covered Stamer’s false prospectus plenty of times. We had the infamous ten pledges, we had “the moral case for socialism”, we had the entirely dishonest calls for unity, and anyone with just a microdot of common sense has realised Starmer is absolutely full of shit.  My last blog was on Sunday - not that long ago in the grand scheme of things - and Starmer has gone from bad, to worse, to mind-blowingly diabolical.  Over the last few days - #WeSupportCorbyn went viral on Sunday night. More than 110,000 tweets offering solidarity to the former Labour leader were registered in the space of hours. Many of these tweets called for the removal of Starmer, following his ongoing behaviour. Starmer is losing the membership.  Labour Chief Whip, Nick Brown,

Sir Keir Starmer, You Are A Disgrace

Well, hasn’t that been a week of absolute astonishment?  I’m not talking about the Priti Patel bullying scandal, or the emergence of yet another Covid-19 vaccine, and I’m not even talking about the amazing ‘Letter To Corbyn’ song that made the iTunes Top Ten.  But I am talking about Sir Keir Starmer, General Secretary, David Evans, and the crisis cutting its way through the Labour Party leadership.  Just one month ago, Starmer’s position was secure. Today, it is anything but secure, and this, my friends, is entirely of his own doing.  The Labour Party members expected a leader, not a control freak.  They expected a competent, safe pair of hands, not a naive, inept pair of unfunny Laurel and Hardy type characters such as Starmer and Evans. Labour Party members expected the Leader of the Opposition to vigorously oppose the nastiest and most useless government we have ever seen, instead, Starmer has competed with Johnson to see who can get the friendliest headlines from the Daily Mail.  T