You Cannot Trust Keir Starmer If You Value The Truth

Imagine if you may a piece of paper in front of you and on the right side it says “blue Tories”, and also on the right side it says “red Tories”. 

Then you get your pen and close your eyes and do that “ip dip sky blue it is not you” thing you used to do as a kid as if it was some sort of bonafide selection process. 

This is where I am this week. 

I am bored of moaning about the heir to Blair, Starmer. How many different ways do you need me to tell you that he is a gaslighting elitist fraud with the charisma of skip before it finally sinks in, Starmerites?

At the same time, what is there to say of Rishi Sunak and the Tories? We know they’re corrupt and hateful, we’ve just done thirteen years of it, but I think we also know they are finished and likely to be replaced by Starmer’s red Tories in 2024. 

So there is very little value in a little known left-wing blogger pointing out what everyone already knows about the rancid, but ultimately defeated Tories. 

Rishi Sunak has disappeared to California for a family holiday, and who can blame him? Every time a reporter asks him a question, the agitated miniature malignancy with the pointy shoes just keeps talking about his “priorities” and how all of the nation's problems will be solved if we “stop the boats”.

Maybe it’s just me, or my circle of friends, but we have never chatted about trying to stop the boats. Why on earth would we? Offer the same safe route that was offered to the people or war-torn Ukraine and you’ll soon stop the boats. 

This particular rotation of the elite is drawing to a conclusion. The Labour Party is back in the establishment fold, freed from the politics of hope, and Keir Starmer has secured his place as the first ever leader of the opposition to completely sell out before they have achieved power. 

But Starmer’s road to power must not be one without accountability because where there is no accountability there will also be no responsibility. If we have learned just one thing over the last thirteen miserable years please, let it be this. 

You may call it “Tory enabling”, but we are way past that now. The Tories are dead, long live the red Tories. 

Just this past Friday the Tory Health minister Maria Caulfield defended the government's plan to use the private sector to help bring down NHS waiting lists. Apparently this is another “priority”. 

Thirteen new ‘community diagnostics centres’  will be opened across England, although eight of the new facilities will be operated by the private sector. 

So what did the Labour Party do? Demand the Tories build more hospitals and hire more medical professionals? 

Or maybe they explained how an adequate social care system would be in place under a Labour government, freeing up thousands of bed spaces and the staff needed to look after these patients that have nowhere else to go? 

Of course they didn’t. Instead they criticised the Tories for not using enough of the private sector. Is this what a Labour response to a Tory crisis should look like? I don’t think so.

Are we honestly supposed to believe that the Labour Party - funded by multi-millionaires with their own links to private healthcare - sees the private sector as a short term solution to a long term crisis? 

The Tories are telling you more private sector involvement in the NHS is on the way and the Labour Party are standing on the sidelines screaming “not enough”. 

Seriously, never trust Keir Starmer if you truly value your health service, your job, the elderly, your family or the country, and never *ever* trust Keir Starmer if you value the truth. 

And if you think you can trust Keir Starmer with the planet there is even less hope for you than I ever thought possible. 

Why doesn’t Starmer just come out and say “let’s cut all the green crap”? Then he can follow David Cameron on environmental policy, as well as the continuation of the bedroom tax and the two-child benefit cap, should this socially regressive version of Labour come to power. 

Keir Starmer’s mission is to kill off progressive politics in Britain, and he is succeeding because the right-wing British media want him to make sure we never ‘risk’ another Jeremy Corbyn. 

With the mass expulsion of ordinary people from the Labour Party, as well as the tens of thousands who have left the party in disgust, comes a lack of cash. 

Starmer has dragged the Labour Party to the right because he needs the money from big business and ex-Tory donors to be able to fight the next election with party coffers overflowing with money.

This shift is not temporary, despite the liberal media claiming otherwise. 

I read an article from the journalist Jonathan Cook last night, and he puts it far more eloquently than I ever could.

Starmer has consciously chosen to make Labour hostage once again to the interests of big business rather than party members. He has intentionally stripped out the already fragile democratic structures in Labour to allow a tiny clique of the super-rich to dictate party policy.” 

I want to end this week's blog a bit differently to the normal way I would finish up by briefly talking about Michael Rosen. 

I had the privilege of seeing Mr Rosen at Matchfest 2022 - an informal but well attended gathering of leftists and anti-fascists - so I’ll throw my tuppence ha’penny’s worth in. 

Mr Rosen arrived at the venue mid-afternoon, wearing his traditional hat and carrying a bag with whatever Michael Rosen puts in a bag when he is going out for the day. 

But as he entered the courtyards and sat down on the chairs just in front of us this spontaneous applause burst out. It genuinely felt like greatness had just entered the arena. 

Mr Rosen is thoughtful, very humble and incredibly intelligent, and it wasn’t long before this gathering that he was in intensive care for 48 days and close to death's door with Covid-19.

The abuse he has faced in recent days has been absolutely relentless and totally undeserved. It takes a rather sick individual to pin the blame for a tragic death on the inspirational Mr Rosen, and his dignified response says so much more about him than it does his detractors. 

Solidarity, Mr Rosen. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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