You Won’t Get The Tories Out Of Power Until You Get The Tories Out Of Labour

I don’t know about you, but the tragically inevitable sight of Sir Kid Starver and the orphan-creating multimillionaire, Tony Blair, not only made me want to vomit but left me feeling somewhat saddened. 

It was like a Dr Who regeneration thing. The shriveled carcass of Blairism was traveling from one Sir to the next right before our eyes. 

How much longer can Murdoch hold off for? He must be dying to scream “THE S*N BACKS KEEF”, because the poisonous scrotum of hatred only backs the party that is likely to win the next election. 

They can call it Blairism on steroids all they wish, love him or hate him, Blair had a type of charisma that won people over.

Blair also benefited from an anti-Tory vote following the Tory governments of Thatcher and Major, as will more-of-the-same Starmer following these past miserable thirteen years. 

Blairism on steroids will be no more than Blairism on Buscopan with a hefty dose of oral morphine thrown in for good measure. Starmerism on sedatives is the reality.

The unlikable and thoroughly disingenuous Labour Party leader is the almost-human version of chloroform. There’s more than seven trillion nerves in the human body and the unimaginative Tory Starmer manages to get on every single one of them. 

Starmer insists he is “laser focused” on power, but the power he craves is worthless to us unless it comes with systemic change. 

What use is a big anti-Tory parliamentary majority if you plan to keep things the way they are now? How can Starmer tour the country telling people the systejm is broken when he is offering nothing to fix it with? 

Starmer cannot be allowed to present himself as the candidate for change if he insists on painting a gloomy forecast of the necessity for austerity 2.0, or continues to hold an unhealthy obsession for private sector involvement in every walk of life imaginable. 

What even is the point in Keir Starmer? Red austerity hurts no less than blue austerity. Surely even the most naive of the Starmerites can get their silly little heads around that one? 

Just this past week Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves refused to say whether the next Labour government would scrap the cruel bedroom tax. 

Do you remember the bedroom tax? 

The Tories bedroom tax, which was introduced in 2014, is effectively a cut to housing benefit that is applied to recipients with ‘spare rooms.’ It has disproportionately harmed disabled people and vulnerable families. 

This is the same millionaire Rachel Reeves that said Labour did not want to be seen as “the party to represent those who are out of work” and was “not the party of people on benefits”. 

This is also the same millionaire Rachel Reeves who is married to Nick Joicey - a DWP director-general for finance - and a speechwriter for Gordon Brown when he was New Labour’s chancellor. 

It’s hard for me to understand why any Labour Party would want to keep some of the most hated of David Cameron’s policies without it being judged as anything less than a grotesque act of betrayal. 

Only a cruel and hateful government would continue to inflict the bedroom tax on its most vulnerable people, and if Starmer’s Labour won’t stop the punishing two-child benefit cap and the hideous rape clause, what will they stop? 

Rather than hiding behind tales of economic woe, why won’t the Labour Party just be straight with us and tell us all exactly which Tory policies they will continue into the next parliament? 

Under the Tories the public sector has been neglected for as long as we can remember and the promotion of privilege flows as freely as the copious amounts of sewage entering our seas and rivers. 

This won’t change under a Labour government. 

Since the government of John Major we have sold off TWO MILLION council homes and 40% of those have ended up in the private rented sector, often being rented back to the local authorities that flogged them in the first place.

This won’t change under a Labour government.

If Keir Starmer actually stood for something positive rather than just relying on the Tories to implode there is every chance they would’ve won the Uxbridge and South Ruislip by election. 

But instead of putting forward an ambitious vision of what Britain might look like under a Labour government we have another shadow cabinet member, Lucy Powell, claiming there’s no money left. 

The economist, Professor Richard Murphy said of Powell’s comments - 

“It staggers me that someone supposedly capable of being a minister in the next government can say something as stupid as ‘there is no money left’.

“Doesn’t she know that one of the most fundamental jobs of government is to create the money we need? It can never run out, ever.”

Powell’s stupidity will undoubtedly land her a place in Starmer’s first cabinet as will most of the Labour saboteurs that preferred Brexit with Boris Johnson to free broadband with Jeremy Corbyn.

Keir Starmer insists this week’s by-election results were a “cry for change”, but what use is that when the only change on offer is a different coloured rosette? 

For the record, Labour hit a record low in Somerset while the Greens surged, they failed to win a seat that was previously held by one of the most divisive Conservative politicians in history, and the Swindon Tories - recently sent packing from Swindon Borough Council chambers just to be replaced by a load of Starmerite drones - managed to GAIN a council seat from Labour on Thursday night. 

The corporate-funded polling you read online and see in the paper and the evidence from the ballot box simply aren’t compatible for the Labour Party. 

This will cause concern for the Labour Party behind the scenes while giving Sunak a most undeserved but still microscopic glimmer of hope. 

Starmer was right, we are crying for change, it’s just a tragedy that his Labour Party is unable to offer us the change that we so desperately need, because Tony won’t ever approve of that sort of thing. 

Until next time, 


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