Wielders Of Mass Deception: Vote Starmer Get Blair

Can you remember when Jeremy Corbyn sent a load of personal letters to multi-millionaire Tory donors pleading with them to attend a business breakfast with him? 

Of course you don’t, because the chances of this happening are as likely as Huw Edwards appearing on the next series of Love Island. 

You see, this schmoozing with big business just wasn’t a thing under the leadership of Islington North’s greatest jam producer. 

The only money that funded our election campaigns came from us, making it the cleanest money in politics, and while that may seem a radical prospect to the dominant right-wing neoliberal arm of the Labour Party it meant we weren't in the pockets of billionaire tax avoiders and global polluters.

If you’re wondering why Rachel Reeves is writing to Tory donors asking if they fancy a double sausage and egg McMuffin with her and Sir Fiscal Rules you will find your answer in pretty much everything the Labour Party do, from the cowardly abstentions to obsession with getting the left out before they get the Tories out. 

Reeves, Starner, Streeting and a vast majority of the Parliamentary Labour Party are Tories. There’s nothing Labour about them. They want Tory money and Tory votes, and the authoritarian coward Starmer will rule as a Tory. 

The same Labour shadow front bench did everything within their collective power to extinguish the flame of hope that burned brightly under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. 

They didn’t want a Labour government. They didn’t want to end homelessness, they didn’t want to let you have free prescriptions, or free lifelong learning, and they certainly didn’t want to renationalise the public assets that have been systematically stripped away since the explosion of capitalism.

That is because the Labour Party and the Tory government are singing from the same ideological hymn sheet. You don’t need to take my word for it because the evidence is freely available to anyone that cares to find it.

As much as I wish I didn’t notice, I did find out that Keir Starmer plans to deliver a “keynote speech” to the Future of Britain conference. 

Better still, Starmer will be joined by the discredited skeleton warmonger Tony Blair to “discuss his vision for the future”. You can get a preview of it by taking a look out of your window, or walking down your local high street.

You can even register to watch it, safe in the knowledge the Tony Blair Institute will probably harvest your data and pictures of the paedophiles friend Mandelson will pop up on every web page you visit until you delete your entire search history and say ten Hail Mary’s. 

Isn’t anyone else even the slightest bit bothered by two unelected and discredited shithouses like Blair and Mandelson holding a stake in your children’s future via the proxy, Starmer? 

An ideology from the 1990’s like Blairism serves no greater purpose than an ideology from the 1980’s like Thatcherism in the year 2023, and no amount of rehashing will change that.

Young Labour advisers are now being given frequent “preparation for government” advice sessions by staff who worked for New Labour ministers, including none other than Peter Mandelson.

We can no longer look at our sorry state of a little island and talk about ‘Cool Britannia’ because we are living in cruel Britannia. We’re at the bottom of the global pile when it comes to ruling the waves and somewhere near the top when it comes to waiving the rules. 

A Labour government will still be a corrupt poor-hating entity no matter how much the Starmer sheeple tell us, “but at least they’re not the Tories”. 

Labour supports privatisation, banning our right to protest, low taxes on the super-rich and they have a visceral hatred of the British left. Don’t be telling me they’re not a bunch of red Tory frauds.

And that’s just for starters. If you haven’t witnessed Keir Starmer dragging the Labour Party kicking and screaming to the political right I’m afraid you simply haven’t been paying attention.

Or maybe you have been paying attention and your thirst to deliver power to the liar Starner  vastly outweighs anything that you possess that resembles a steadfast principle? 

While policies and positions will inevitably change with the times, principles and values shouldn’t ever budge an inch, Mr Starmer. 

Keir Starmer is said to be regularly initiating meetings with the Murdoch empire. One News Corp executive even claimed “we can’t keep Starmer away”. 

His last private audience with Murdoch was just a couple of weeks ago. 

Starmer seems to have succeeded in bringing the billionaire media on side, a far-cry from just over three years ago when he was refusing to talk with Murdoch’s S*n. 

Managing the media’s demands and expectations is something only a right-wing establishment lickspittle can ever achieve. History is the judge of this, not me.

They’ll now expect Starmer to behave like a Tory Prime Minister in-waiting because their continued support carries a hefty price tag. This isn’t an issue for the Labour leader because he doesn’t have a genuine left-wing bone in his body. 

Those ten false pledges that hoisted Starmer to the top of the Labour Party were designed to capture the votes of an overwhelmingly left-wing membership. 

Starmer’s sudden shift from supporting Labour’s 2017 Brexit position to being a key proponent of the People’s Vote campaign was designed to capture the support of an overwhelmingly remain-voting membership. 

Keir Starmer is so bloody fake even China denied that they made him.

Now, Starmer’s ‘5 missions for a better Britain’ are designed to capture the support of the Tory voters that last voted for Labour in 1997 when they were sick of the sight of John Major.

The chameleon Starmer has spent an entire political career saying one thing and doing another, and this is bound to appeal to Tory voters who seem to have a fetish for swallowing undiluted bullshit from anyone with a slightly posh accent.

But it certainly didn’t appeal to the people of Newham in a local council election, just this past week. 

The Labour Party held every single council seat in Newham between 2010 and 2022, but Mehmood Mirza, an Independent pro-Corbyn candidate who quit the Labour circus in protest at Keir Starmer's leadership in January 2022, walked away with a stunning victory. 

Islington North, we will be coming for you. Be in no doubt of that whatsoever. 

Keir Starmer doesn’t want the left-wing vote, he prefers to be a flag shagger than a tree hugger. Starmer is committed to crushing dissenting voices within the Labour Party so he can present himself as an uncomplicated safe pair of hands. 

The fact Starmer is a malignant and dishonest Tory fraud with the charisma of a punctured football and the likability of a punctured lung isn’t lost on me, and I don’t think it’s lost on you. 

Until next time, 


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