The Cruel Tories Callous Indifference To Human Suffering Is Shameful

I don’t use the word “evil” very often. But in the case of Boris Johnson’s Conservative government I will, because they have proven, time after time, to be the most evil British government in living memory.

You are the lowest of the low. You are consciously cruel. You are corrupt, criminal and utterly devoid of humanity. The prolific lying, the blatant diversion tactics, gleefully swallowed up by the Tory press - there is no barrel bottom that is safe from being scraped.

You are openly racist and your policies are demonstrably racist, you are openly homophobic, and you are a feckless good-for-nothing philandering plague-sore with the charm of roadkill.

In the words of the Shakespeare dude: 

“A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of not one good quality.” 

I detest you, Boris Johnson, I absolutely detest you.

There is something deeply wrong with the morality of one of the richest countries in the world when we find ourselves sending refugees, humans, to one of the poorest countries in the world - a country riddled with human rights abuses. 

Who voted for a government that will be complicit in human trafficking? Not me, not in my name. I’m fucking disgusted, and I am deeply ashamed of that venemous, clay-brained hog, Boris Johnson.

I hate to ask these questions, because I don’t want any humans sent to Africa, I mean, haven’t we inflicted enough suffering and misery on that beautiful, vast continent already?

How many refugees fleeing Hong Kong are we planning to send to Rwanda, Prime Minister? 

What about those poor Ukranians fleeing devastation and war? If they manage to clear the various obstacles put in place by the British government, will they be sent to Rwanda, Prime Minister? 

I think we know the answers. 

Your government is not only the worst government in living memory, but it is also the most racist British government in living memory. 

This Tory cruelty is nothing new, of course. If they’re not targeting refugees it will be disabled people, or low income families. 

You picked up the bill for the global economic crash and the frivolity of the banking industry. 

You are picking up the bill for Covid-19, while the government happily writes off billions and billions of pounds of Covid fraud. 

You are picking up the bill for the Tories cost of living crisis, whether that be at the petrol pump, the supermarket checkout, or the electric bill that’s just landed on your doormat. 

You are picking up the bill for the failure of successive governments to fix the social care crisis once and for all. I hate to break it to you, but that increase in National Insurance will not make the slightest bit of difference to the care you receive in the future. 

And now you will be picking up the bill to send human beings - who have already risked their lives crossing land and sea - to Rwanda, in Africa, because the British government cannot be bothered to find a compassionate and lasting solution to yet another human tragedy. 

Let me explain this to you in the simplest of terms, Tory voters. If you are silent when the British government allows the export of arms to nations that are known for abusing human rights, you haven’t really got a leg to stand on when it comes to ‘importing’ refugees that are fleeing war and persecution - regardless of the colour of their skin.


Every single time I think, “that’s it, they cannot possibly go any lower”, the Tories go lower. But they do it with a degree of unashamed callousness, grandstanding to the little Englanders, attempting to sell their human trafficking as ‘yet another benefit’ of the Brexit lie. 

We shouldn’t be shocked by the Tories' imperviousness to human suffering. This is the party of Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, and Jim Davidson. 

But today it is the party of Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Nadine Dorries, Dominic Raab, Michael Gove, Therese Coffey - the kind of people you wouldn’t trust to run a kids birthday party, let alone one of the richest countries on the face of the planet, with 215 nuclear warheads, 171 billionaires, and an annual GDP of more than £2 trillion. 

Deliberate cruelty is unforgivable. That’s what you get with a Conservative government. 

To me, if you see their cruelty and do nothing about it you end up becoming cruel yourself. The casual blindness to the despair of other people is cruelty. 

So just how cruel do the Tories have to be to use hunger, coldness, and destitution as a weapon against the poorest and most vulnerable members of society? The last decade was defined by Tory cruelty, and this one is beginning to look a whole lot worse.

Look at it this way. If the Tories can pay private consultants £7,000 a day to work on that fucking shambolic test and trace disaster, they can also treat vulnerable citizens with dignity and respect. 

But they don’t. 

If the Tories think we have at least £250 million going spare to build a new Royal Yacht, we shouldn’t need Premier League footballer to embarrass the government into coughing up £15 a week to feed a hungry child. 

It’s not rocket science. 

Our broken, bent system allows a full state pension of £179 a week, if you’re lucky, but if you’re a pensioner turning up at the House of Lords for a snooze you can claim an attendance allowance of £323 a day! 

What else do the Tory voters need to see from their leader before they think, “hmmmm, maybe he is a lying, racist, thuggish criminal after all”? 

There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. 

Take a look at the last 12 years for one moment. 

The social vandalism inflicted on our communities during the Cameron years caused irreversible damage to an entire generation. The children of austerity. 

You saw most of the 3,500 Sure Start centres closed down. 

Sure Start was a fantastic initiative. You had local centres of support with midwives, health visitors, mental health teams, support workers, and access to a wide range of services.

It was a network of help, a haven for victims of domestic abuse, an early warning for any delayed development in a child - I used to have tea and toast when I took my daughter to Sure Start. 

But the Tories brutally destroyed this. 

The government of David Cameron, George Osborne and Nick Clegg slashed public spending in 2010, despite being warned that people would die because of their decisions. 

Friedrich Engels described this as “social murder” - this is murder committed by the political and social elite where they knowingly permit conditions to exist where the poorest and most vulnerable in society are deprived of the necessities of life and are placed in a position in which they cannot reasonably expected to live, and will inevitably meet an early and unnatural death.

Think about the stark cruelties imposed by the deepest benefit cuts. Look at the bedroom tax, trying to force people out of family homes if they had a spare room. 

Now think about the loss of those life-or-death services for mental health, homelessness and addiction. 

This is social murder, and while the Tories and their shitbag media will tell you this is extremist language, and poor people need to make ‘better life choices’, I will have no hesitation in calling it out for exactly what it is. 

I’m guessing most of you reading this now have been on the receiving end of Conservative cruelty - whether that be the deliberate underfunding of the NHS, the disgraceful cuts to disability benefits and the dreaded Work Capability Assessment, the closure of local support services, the minibus that used to pick nan up in her wheelchair to take her to play bingo - nearly all of you have been victims of Conservative rule. 

All cruelty springs from weakness. Weakness is what brings ignorance, racism, homophobia, desperation, brutality - all these things that will keep a society chained to the ground, one foot nailed to the floor.

If Boris Johnson went to the same sort of school as you and I he would’ve been the “flea bag” that was “bundled” upon, almost daily. 

But he didn’t. 

Johnson has grown up, physically at least, surrounded by privileges that most of us can only begin to imagine. But look at the utterly loathsome person it has made him be. 

I wouldn’t swap my struggles for Johnson’s apparent privileges. 

I am a socialist, and proudly so. I believe in equality, dignity, the power of community, and togetherness. I believe in social justice, zero poverty, and an end to homelessness - because I know it can be done. It is only a complete lack of political will that stops it from being done.

Compassion, my friends, is the only known antidote to cruelty. 

Get the Tories out. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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