Johnson And Sunak: They Simply Have To Go Now

Unless you’ve been hidden away for the last few hours you will know that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Chancellor Rishi Sunak and the PM's wife Carrie Johnson will all be fined by the irremediably bent Metropolitan police for breaking lockdown laws. 

You know the background already. They lied. 

No great shock, is it? After all, Boris Johnson is fluent in bullshit. But that doesn’t make it acceptable. If you think this behaviour is acceptable I’m afraid you are a massive part of the problem.

The media are unable to play the “Boris will be Boris” card these days, we’re way past that now. Some will try, of course, but the facts are there for all to see. 

The biggest problem for me right now is accountability. 

I’m fed up with hearing, “in normal times they would have to resign”. When did we last have normal times? We’re currently going through Covid, and Brexit has been a disaster. 

These “normal” times didn’t exist under Theresa May or David Cameron. Both leaderships signed up to ideological austerity which led to a decade of death and destitution which still rips through our communities to this day. 

We cannot allow the establishment to sidestep transparency and accountability because the self-inflicted national turbulence doesn’t allow for it, surely? 

What further evidence do people need to see just how broken our system has become? How much longer will people comply with this fucking travesty of a government? 

Johnson and Sunak have been caught red-handed. There is no reasonable excuse that either can offer to justify their disregard for the collective efforts of a nation to protect their loved ones from Covid-19. 

While we watched our nearest and dearest take their final breaths on FaceTime, Johnson and Sunak raised a glass in one hand, and showed *every single one of us* the middle finger with the other. 

If you thought that you detested these callous, corrupt Tory bastards before today, how do you feel about them now? If it’s anything like me you will feel sick to the pit of your stomach knowing that once again, they’ll get away with it. 

We already know Johnson believes he lives by a different set of rules to us plebs. Why would he think any differently now? He’ll mumble some old hogwash about “learning the lessons”, throw in a bit of Greek philosophy, and we’ll be back to thinking Jeremy Corbyn is a senior Hamas commander by the end of the week.

Law breaking to this unprincipled amoral cabal of over-privileged bullies comes as natural to them as taking a deep breath does to you. 

Have a look around the Cabinet table. Most of them have done something worthy of ruling themselves out of senior political positions for the rest of their living days, but our iniquitous, dilapidated, archaic system allows them to dip in and out as and when they please. 

The Priti Patel thing was quite something. From the disgraced unofficial Minister for Israeli back-channels to super-tough refugeephobic Home Secretary in the blink of an eye. 

That’s what you get for sitting at the wheel of Johnson’s £350m-a-week big red bullshit bus, insisting everything will be cheaper Post-Brexit. 

Seriously, how long will it be before people spontaneously take to the streets to vent their fury? Are we now so brainwashed by the cult of capitalism that we’re just going to shrug and shoulders and think it’s somebody else’s problem? Fuck that. 

We cannot and must not allow this to continue. 

The cost of living crisis can be eased, but they won’t ease it. 

More can be done to help protect the British people in the ongoing battle against Covid-19, but they won’t do it. 

This is a government lacking morality, decency, and credibility, and it is now a government that has been found to break its own rules by the police. 

A fine means absolutely nothing to these multi-millionaires and billionaires. They must pay a far greater price, starting with their immediate resignations. 

Do not let anyone tell you we cannot change a Prime Minister during these difficult times. We changed Prime Minister during World War Two, and we can do it now.

We will not stop holding them to account until they’re gone. Enough is enough. Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak must go. We cannot allow our stock to sink any lower. 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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