Labour Is Dead. How’s That For A Three Word Slogan, Mr Starmer?

We are back, and nothing has changed. 

The Conservative government is still as bent as a nine bob note. 

The Johnson variant is still a dangerous liability to the wellbeing of every single one of us, with the stench of corruption following him around wherever he drags his soulless carcass. 

The public health leadership is still non-existent, and an ex-Deutsche Bank Thatcherite with the conviviality of Josef Fritzel is still ‘in-charge’ of your National Health Service. 

The multi-millionaire Tory MPs are still turning up at their local food bank over the festive period, clutching a £4 tub of Celebrations, or a tin of Waitrose new potatoes. At least that Jesus dude had the decency to donate 5 loaves of bread and a couple of fish, allegedly. 

It’s a good job many of the Food banks are staffed by the most empathetic of society, because the temptation to wipe the smirk off the face of the visiting Tory bastard would be absolutely overwhelming for most of us. 

And Boris Johnson’s position still remains relatively safe. Not because his own MPs suddenly believe that he is doing a great job - because he quite clearly isn’t - it’s more down to the fact that the Tory talent pool is somewhat lacking, and finding someone to replace the Etonian Alchy isn’t going well, because they’re all loathsome ghouls that you wouldn’t trust to care for a house plant. 

But what of Her Majesty’s official opposition? 

Given the state of the Conservative Party, being narrowly ahead in one or two polls is catastrophic for Keir Starmer, and it is a damning indictment of the Labour Party’s inability to connect with the concerns of the British people and put forward a credible proposal that is unapologetically distinguishable from dross being served up by the Tories.

Let’s be honest. The Labour Party are only slightly ahead in a couple of polls because the corrupt liar Boris Johnson is a grade one cu*t. 

Neither Boris ‘he’s trying his best’ Johnson or Keir ‘my father was *in-charge* of a tool factory’ Starmer' is even anywhere near good enough. 

And I’ll repeat this until I turn blue in the face

There’s absolutely no point telling me we need to come together to oust the Tories, because of the undeniable fact that Keir Starmer *is* a fucking Tory. 

It’s like replacing diarrhoea with projectile vomiting. 

No thank you. 

Bleat all you like, your boy Starmer is an uninspiring liar and I’d sooner sew my mouth up with rusty chicken wire to keep the sick in the back of my throat than somehow accept that getting the Tories out ends with getting Starmer in.

Like it or not, it would simply extend the misery. The establishment will still be in charge, regardless of the colour of the rosette stood at your door. 

Keir Starmer promised Labour members that he would ensure the NHS and other public services were renationalised back into public hands, and explicitly not ‘making profits for shareholders’. 

This was pledge number 5 from the 10 pledges that Starmer sold to a mostly left-leaning Labour membership, under the banner of “common ownership”. 

Then along comes shouty Streeting (ask Diane Abbott) to vandalise the current Labour Policy and tear up yet another of Keir Starmer’s 10 pledges. 

Streeting committed the Labour Party to further privatisation of your NHS, going as far as to claim the public were happy with this complete betrayal of everything the Labour Party is supposed to stand for. 

Be in no doubt, this is a centre-right Labour Party, no more attractive than the Conservative Party, and any Labour Party willing to entertain further privatisation of your NHS is quite simply a Labour Party that has lost its way.

Your National Health Service will not be safe under a Labour government led by Keir Starmer. 

Your Labour Party isn’t safe under the leadership of Keir Starmer. 

Starmer started the week with a modest poll lead, and the momentum (small “m”) was seemingly with the dulcet baguette. 

So Team Starmer decided it was time for another relaunch of the wooden liar. The idea was to try and build on the poll lead, so rather than just being ahead because Boris Johnson is a walking disaster, the Labour Party could claim that Starmer was finally being heard. 

What could possibly go wrong? A sharp suit and a few instantly forgettable three-word soundbites was bound to win over a general public that already think you’re a boring opportunistic quockowodger, right? 


Thankfully, I made a note of a couple of the three-worded thingies, because if you haven’t forgotten them by now you probably didn’t have all that much of a misspent youth. 

“Security, prosperity, respect”. 

What does that even mean? Security for whom? Prosperity for me? Not a fucking chance. Respect? You earn that, Mr Starmer. This is typically meaningless focus group nonsense. 

“Make Brexit work”

How did he manage to keep a straight face while delivering this ridiculous attempt to cling on to the coat tails of the “Get Brexit Done” slogan? 

Starmer sold out on the FBPE and Remainer contingent some time ago now, in the same way he sold out on the ‘soft Corbynistas’ when he was seeking their votes two years ago. 

What Starmer fails to grasp is obvious to most of us. 

He thinks he can win over the “red wall” voters that he so blatantly betrayed, at the cost of a socialist Labour government. But they haven’t forgotten how Keir Starmer was at the very front of the campaign for a second referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. 

Keir Starmer is a serial traitor. No principle is indispensable in his quest for power. Remainers, leavers, socialists, the soft left - you are collateral damage. 

Finally, I must return to Keir Starmer’s quest to win over those red wall voters that loaned their votes to the Tories in 2019, to ‘get Brexit done’. 

Nobody, and I mean nobody, should tell Keir Starmer that red wall voters favour the return of Jeremy Corbyn over his disastrous authoritarian regime. 

If you have spent months banging on about how Keir Starmer’s Brexit backstabbing went on to cost Labour the 2019 general election, give yourself a massive pat on the back, you were absolutely right. 

I’ve got a three-word-slogan for you, Mr Starmer… 

Labour is dead.

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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