Keir Starmer: A Safe Pair Of Hands For The Ruling Class

I often ask myself if it is possible to despise Keir Starmer and what the Labour Party has become under his leadership any more than what I do already, and week after week the mundane knight of the realm never fails to answer the question. 

I say “leadership”, but we all know that is utter bollocks because Keir Starmer is a servant of the rich and powerful, just like billionaire Sunak, corrupt Johnson, and that fucking intolerable dead-eyed skeleton, Blair. 

A leader is supposed to be a dealer in hope. A person that can inspire ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Look at Keir Starmer and if you are completely honest with yourself you will see neither hope or inspiration.

The Starmer’s of this world are desperately hungry for power - not to make your lives any better - but to increase the wealth of the already-wealthy off the back of your hard work. 

Keir Starmer will only be thinking about the next election. It’s the next generation I feel truly sorry for.

You might’ve noticed Keir Starmer and his gleeful shadow cabinet turning up at Google’s UK headquarters earlier this week? 

Streeting, Reeves and Powell looked like they were on their first school trip without any parents tagging along, such was their delight. 

An equally ecstatic Starmer claimed they “discussed how a Labour government will work in partnership with business to drive technology for public good - creating secure jobs across the whole of the UK.” 

Hang on a flipping minute, Mr Starmer, how about discussing how a Labour government will tax the living shit out of Google until they have paid a fair rate of tax, you know, like teachers, nurses and cleaners have to pay? 

Think about this for a moment…

The leader of the Labour Party won’t go anywhere near a picket line to show his support for striking workers, but when Google came calling - a company that has repeatedly attempted to quash union activism - Starmer couldn’t get his feet under their boardroom table any quicker.

Starmer will be aware of  ‘Project Vivian’ - a Google campaign to stop their employees from joining a union - he just doesn’t care because he is on the side of the rich and powerful. 

The problem with Keir Starmer is how desperate he is to prove that his Labour leadership will not  threaten the interests of the wealthy establishment. 

And that leads me on to the Public Order Bill and Labour’s members in the House of Lords that refused to back a motion to block the Tories attack on our basic right to protest.

To me it couldn’t be any clearer. Keir Starmer is hellbent on showing the super rich and the billionaire right-wing media that he is the safest pair of hands for the ruling class. 

For non-politico’s, the Labour Party just nodded through a draconian piece of Tory legislation that essentially means your freedom to protest has now vanished. 

Fucking well done, Keir Starmer. Once again you have displayed an effortless ability to prove you are a treacherous Tory fraud that has hijacked the soul of the Labour Party. You have enabled a police state.

On Tuesday, Tony Blair’s institute put out an article with the headline…

“A New National Purpose: AI Promises a World-Leading Future of Britain”

The very next day, up pops the Labour Party on Twitter to announce…

“Artificial intelligence can free up staff and provide better and faster care for patients. 

Only Labour will bring our health service into the digital age and make it fit for the future.” 

What a coincidence! 

It’s almost as if Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is totally at ease with doing the bidding for Tony Blair and the New Labour ideology.

Robots doing the work of paid humans kind of defeats calling yourself the Labour Party. 

Are we absolutely sure that cyber spies from rogue states won’t have robots doing Michael Jackson’s moonwalk rather than removing Ms Waters ingrown toenail? 

I’m from a time where you had to ask your parents if you could use the phone to call your friend up to see if they were coming out, then you’d start walking and they’d start walking and you would meet each other half-way. 

But I’m not a complete technophobe, and I embrace change when it is for the good, in whatever form it may come. 

But Keir Starmer and the Labour Party is a change I will never embrace. I detest what they have done and what they have become with every single fibre of my being. 

It didn’t seem that long ago that we could look to the Labour Party for hope because hope enables people to better themselves. 

It didn’t seem that long ago that the Labour Party had a real vision of what the future would look like where something as simple as free childcare for the many mattered a damn sight more than what that poisonous testicle-faced Murdoch might think.

It didn’t seem that long ago that Keir Starmer -  the most deceitful Labour leader for a generation - made ten socialist-friendly pledges that he put forward to the Labour membership so he could brazenly steal left-wing votes to secure his victory. 

Around 200,000 party members have abandoned the Labour Party ever since. How many of them were conned into voting for this lying chancer, despite knowing at the time that he has the charisma of a sandwich bag? 

Or maybe they too have realised what a despicable entity the Labour Party has become under Starmer’s authoritarian leadership? 

You only need to look at where private healthcare money is going to get an idea of the access and influence being indirectly purchased behind the scenes. 

Why would Yvette Cooper take £295,000 from donors with links to private healthcare? What about Keir Starmer? Some £157,000 has ended up with the Labour leader. 

And then there’s Wes Streeting, the shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. He ended up with a very generous £193,000 from donors with links to private healthcare. 

In total, Labour’s front bench has pocketed an eye-watering £783,000 from donors with links to the private healthcare industry. 

These donations aren’t just random gestures of goodwill but more a blatant attempt to purchase access and influence from the Labour Party before it is expected to gain power at the next general election. 

But just don’t call these right-wing, private healthcare funded, pro-police state, huge corporation toadying establishment loving shysters a bunch of red-tied Tories, whatever you do.

Keir Starmer is undoubtedly a safe pair of hands for the ruling class, and that makes him an unsafe pair of hands for the millions of us that used to believe the Labour Party was the only credible vehicle for societal change. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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