Just How Low Is Keir Starmer Willing To Go?

No prizes for guessing where we are going with this today.

You probably know me, I’m always up for giving the Tories a bloody good kicking. Ask more than 100 of their MPs - including Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, Therese Coffey, Nadine Dorries, Suella Braverman and Nadhim Zahawi - if you don’t believe me. 

But unlike Keir Starmer, I would draw the line at shamefully exploiting abused children to attempt to postureas the party of law and order. 

Who on earth in Keir Starmer’s office thought this would be a sensible line to attack with? Doesn’t Keir Starmer have a single fucking brain cell in his brylcreem-topped head?

Whatever happened to they go low and we go high? Build a better Britain? Not like this you don’t, Mr Starmer, you despicable elitist shithouse Tory lickspittle.

I knew Starmer was willing to scrape barrels that no other Labour leader has scraped before him, but this intentional exploitation of vulnerable children is straight out of the far-right playbook. 

What does this diabolical disgrace have to say about Keir Starmer? 

His party are around 20 points ahead of the Tories, despite Starmer’s own personal ratings plummeting like a wounded bird. Keir Starmer’s own unlikable nature is risking Labour’s chances of winning the next general election. 

Competing with the Tories to see who has got the loudest dog whistle definitely wasn’t one of Starmer’s ten bullshit-laden pledges, right? 

Some 200,000 people have left the Labour Party from its peak under Jeremy Corbyn and Starmer’s latest foot-in-mouth extravaganza isn’t going to stop the mass departures of anyone with just an iota of moral fibre from leaving Starmer’s cesspit of a party.

I wonder what Keir Starmer has to say to his advisor Peter Mandelson about this? Mandelson was buddies with the child-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and was pictured socialising with the predator on more than one occasion. 

Here’s how poorly the Labour Party thought about exploiting vulnerable children. 

Labour’s 4,500 ‘paedophiles walk free’ attack line dates back to 2010. If you go back 13 years you will find Rishi Sunak working for Goldman Sachs and the Director of Public Prosecutions was some bloke named Keir Starmer. 

Doesn’t anyone at Labour HQ just stop to think for one moment before they unleash an extraordinarily grotesque barrage of child exploitation? 

It is important to remember the arrival of shambolic Starner was meant to be “the grown ups back in charge”. They also told you over and over again that Labour was “under new management”. 

This isn’t grown up politics, ladies and gentlemen, this is gutter politics that feeds into the stereotyping pushed by the extremes of the far-right. 

Well done Starmerites, we told you that your choice of Labour leader was a useless Tory fraud with the personality of a creepy stepdad, and you still had the nerve to call *us* “Tory enablers”?  You can fuck right off. 

Do you honestly still believe any Labour government is better than a Tory government after the unconstrained shithousery we have seen from the Labour Party this past week? 

The morally bankrupt Starmer conned his way into the top job. This isn’t a matter of opinion but a statement of fact that even the most ardent of ex-FBPE-now-make-Brexit-work Starmer supporting Waitrose warriors is unable to rebut with anything beyond some old shit about Jeremy Corbyn. 

I often wonder if Starmer looked at Boris Johnson’s ability to make political capital from the most repugnant of lies and thought he would give it a try himself?

At what point did the flag-fixated Starmer become so fucking obsessed with pointing the finger of shame and blame towards refugees and lefties whilst turning his back on the people that need a true Labour government more than most?

The politics of division is unbelievably poisonous. I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect the “grown ups” to attempt to behave like grown ups or even like the “government-in-waiting” the disciples of Starmer claim to be. 

I know I don’t put stuff in the right order at the best of times. My speciality is putting a tweet together, and believe me, there’s quite a difference between 280 characters and 1,000 plus words. 

So forgive me if this rant is like a fucking jumble sale because I am genuinely astonished and disgusted at what this immoral and contemptible Labour Party has become under the toxic leadership of the malignant Starmer.

I would love to hear what Keir Starmer has to say about the exploitation of abused children fof political gain. 

Will anyone from the establishment media have the spine to ask Starmer why he felt the need to drag the Labour Party into the same sewer the Tories have been floating in for as long as I can remember?

We’re used to the Tories dragging us into the gutter. We actually expect it. Keir Starmer was supposed to be better than this. Integrity, honesty and compassion? Bullshit. 

The proof is in the pudding. 

I feel a genuine sense of sorrow for my friends that remain within the Labour Party, despite the number of them shrinking each time the fascist charmer Starmer takes one unforgivable lurch to the right after another.

If this is the sort of controversial politics of hatred that eventually delivers power to the Labour Party at what point do you find the fucking spine to ask if this is a power worth having? 

All that’s missing now is for one of Starmer’s minions to pop up and say something about no publicity is bad publicity and it was all a secret ploy. 

But it wasn’t, it was a blatant far-right vote-grabbing exercise that dragged the Labour Party so far to the right it triggered my vertigo. 

Do I despise the Tories with every single strand of fibre in my being? Fucking right I do, and I’ve got the receipts to prove it. 

But do I think the Goldman Sachs Prime Minister Sunak is against adults convicted of sexually assaulting children being locked up for their despicable and heinous crimes? No, I don’t. 

Before I go, let me ask you a question. 

What if Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour went with the same attack line so shamefully used by Starmer’s Labour this past week? We never would’ve done, obviously, but what if?

Me? I would simply walk away. There would've been yet another coup, and most likely a successful one. 

The media would set their tents up outside Jeremy’s house, his wife and children would be harassed, and memes of Grand Wizard Corbyn would flood the internet. 

Margaret Hodge would lead the Corbyn effigy burning campaign, Luke Akehurst would go from gammon pink to beetroot red quicker than you can say “Free Palestine”, and the Daily Mail would offer a free Wills and Kate plate for the first person to burn down Jeremy’s allotment shed. 

Barrel-scraping Starmer is a disgrace and his actions are an affront to the democratic socialist values once held by the Labour Party. 

If the child sexual abuse exploiting Keir Starmer isn’t happy with the sentencing guidelines that are used to decide whether child abusers go to prison, and for how long, he really should have a word with the man that wrote the guidelines. 

And that will be some chap named… Keir Starmer. 

Until next time, 


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