The Liar, The Witch Hunt And The Warmonger

Things are starting to feel normal again. 

My son went to watch Swindon Town play football yesterday - although social distancing has never been a problem if you’ve been to see Swindon before. 

I actually managed to get a normal face-to-face doctor's appointment for the first time in as long as I can remember - although I did walk away with diverticulitis, sinusitis, and more drugs than a Colombian crack house. 

And once again, after a brief flirtation with being just five points behind the worst government in living memory, Keir Starmer’s Labour find themselves back in double digit deficit territory, and a mere thirty one points behind the promise of being twenty points ahead under ABC (Anyone But Corbyn). 

The political scene is often quiet during the summer months. Many of our MPs take six weeks away from Westminster, some dive into constituency work, others go away for a few weeks, which is entirely their right to do so, because the less time they’re here screwing up the country the better for all of us. 

But let’s get to the point. 

A Labour Party that cannot welcome Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn while collectively masturbating over Tony Blair is a Labour Party with a DNR notice plastered across its putrid carcass. 

Blairism is dead. The proponents of Blairism have absolutely no place in a democratic socialist party. 

Going cap-in-hand to influence-seeking billionaires for assistance in funding your filthy capitalist crusade simply isn’t compatible with democratic socialism. 

Being the sort of official opposition that will happily nod along with government foreign policy - which normally involves people dying and returning to the UK in a coffin draped in the Union flag, on the back of an RAF plane - isn’t compatible with democratic socialism. 

Jeremy Corbyn apologised for the disaster that was Iraq, and rightfully so. No more wars

And being this awful, racist cesspit of a Labour Party - once the party of every race and faith - a party that has plenty of room for islamophobes, despite being torn a new one by the Labour Muslim Network, an exodus of BAME party members, utterly dismayed by the leaderships inability to act upon deeply disturbing allegations of racism, a party that’s has apparently expelled more Jewish people under Starmer’s leadership than have been kicked out of the party throughout its history - quite simply isn’t compatible with democratic socialism.

Democratic socialism is the only possible sane and living socialism according to former Labour candidate and half-decent author H.G Wells, and Mr Wells is absolutely bang on the money.

Starmer has decided to embrace Blairism without considering for one moment that the Blairites are just as keen to see the back of him as we are. They, as in the Labour right, have the parliamentary clout to force a leadership contest, the left hasn’t, without roping in the reminnents of the soft left, so Starmer has ditched any pretence of making “the moral case for socialism” - as promised on his infamous ten pledges leaflet - and has cosied up to the anti-socialists. 

The anti-socialists want the Labour Party cleansed of the left. They cannot and will not allow another Corbyn scenario. Whether you can force one is another matter altogether. 

The left of the Labour Party have been organising for this year's Party conference in Brighton. A move is likely to be made to bring down General Secretary David Evans. The Times refers to this as a “Corbynista plot”, which isn’t really true. 

The only Corbyn-related plot I know of is the plot where he grows his marrows. 

A democratic socialist party has got an anti-socialist, anti-democratic General Secretary. That’s nothing to do with Jeremy Corbyn and everything to do with the irritant Starmer, who chose Evans for the General Secretary role himself.

The party membership have every right to act, and act they must, because the Starmer and Evans shitshow has to be disrupted and dismantled without delay. 

When did it become acceptable to label anyone who shows even the slightest sign of left-wing tendencies as the “hard-left”? It won’t be long before they’re telling you that Andy Burnham is one of those pseudo-Stalinists and Zarah Sultana has a shrine to Lenin in her bathroom. 

Imagine signing off the exclusion of the 85 year old award winning filmmaker Loach. What kind of bag of unlovable shit do you need to be to sign that off? 

Ken Loach is absolutely right. This is a witch-hunt, and this witch-hunt has been going on through various guises for quite some time now.

If you test positive for socialism in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party? Witch. 

If you believe Palestine shouldn’t be ethnically cleansed by terrorist governments? Witch. 

Oooh Jeremy Cor… BURN THE WITCH. 

What fucking use is a mainstream democratic socialist political party if it doesn’t want any democratic socialist party members? 

You don’t open up a supermarket especially for people - who are struggling to get by - only to let the rich exclusively go in and do their shopping.

You wouldn’t run a new car showroom if you only attempted to sell cars to people with a motorcycle licence. 

In its current state, the Labour Party finds itself exactly where it deserves to be. 

Flat broke, laying off staff, handpicking future do-as-they’re-told candidates, going backwards in the polls, kicking out anyone testing positive for socialism from the party membership, completely impotent leadership, nobody knows what they stand for, and worst of all? 

Nobody cares. 

Labour lost the interest of the public towards the end of the Blair years. I won’t fill you with statistics, just simple facts. Ed Miliband, bless his cheeky chops, had as much chance of becoming Prime Minister as I have of being a stunt double for Pamela Anderson in her prime.

Jeremy managed to breathe a bit of life back into the party - 2017 is in the record books for all to see. But the party establishment picked the nuclear option, giving the nation two further Conservative governments. 

They quite literally preferred a Conservative government for the 1% to a Labour government for the many, so there’s absolutely no point in you Manic Keith Preachers darkening my timeline with nonsense about getting behind anti-democratic-anti-socialist Starmer, because you will only get a five-worded answer from me…

Where is the Forde report? 

Until next time, 

Rachael x

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