“Demonstrably Not A Socialist” - And Something Of A Quisling

“You can’t call him a Quisling”, they’ll say. 

Too late, I already did, and I probably will again. 

used to enjoy writing about the Conservatives, I guess I still do when it’s appropriate, and if I sat here scratching my head long enough, I’d probably be able to deliver a passable 1,500-word slaying of the negligent, inept, and wholly corrupted Conservative government. 

But that would be way too easy. 

I have scribbled down more than 100,000 words describing my thoughts towards Keir Starmer and the once-purposeful Labour Party over the last six months, and every time I finish writing something I always wonder how long it will be before Starmer and the Keirleaders will provoke another piece. 

To be honest, if I had the time I could probably write about the Starmer leadership almost daily. And that’s not a good thing. Had Starmer lived up to the infamous ten pledges there’s every chance you wouldn’t be reading this. But he didn’t. He soiled all over the pledges, without a hint of remorse, and continues to be the most shameful jellyfish of an opposition leader for as long as I can remember. 

Describing Starmer as a “leader” is as false and misleading as describing Ken Loach as an “antisemite”. 

A good leader listens. But not to the well-paid focus groups, the right-wing think tanks, or the extremely wealthy donors and their vested interests. 

Taking instructions from agenda-driven individuals, followed by a hefty donation to your kitty is not leadership. 

Allowing third parties to dictate your output is not leadership. 

Alienating and attacking huge swathes of your own support base is not leadership. 

Constantly toadying up to the worst government we’ve ever had is not leadership. 

Writing for the billionaire right-wing tax-shy media moguls such as Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothermere, often behind a paywall, is not leadership. 

Keir Starmer has shelved his own leadership responsibilities in favour of a few positive headlines from the Mail. 

The same Mail that carried out a horrific smear job on the father of one of his own Shadow Cabinet members, Ed Miliband. 

The same Mail that produced a thirteen page hit job on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party on the eve of the 2017 General Election. 

The same Mail that screamed “Hurrah for the blackshirts” - and stood shoulder to shoulder with Adolf Hitler for a selfie. 

The same Mail that simply exists to demonise refugees, welfare recipients, and anyone not deemed ‘normal’ by their own xenophobic hate-filled bigoted standard. 

The same Mail that chased me down the road, harassed my family on my doorstep, and only pulled back when a legal letter landed on the editor's desk. 

Fuck the Daily Mail. 

No Labour leader worth the title should be embracing the right-wing press, because they will use you, and spit you out when you’re surplus to requirements. Let’s not pretend otherwise. 

Has anyone asked Sir how he feels about a Leveson 2? It was party policy from what I can remember. The only reason Starmer could possibly drop this policy would be to satisfy the venomous phone-hacking ghouls. 

Demand answers. Whether you like it or not, *YOU* are the only opposition to the opposition.

You’ve probably made a big deal of the “twenty points ahead with any other leader but Corbyn” thing. I know I have. And now it’s time for us to eat some humble pie - sort of - because he is twenty points ahead, according to a new poll carried out by IPSOS MORI. 

The only problem here is the person I describe as “he” in that last paragraph is in fact Boris Johnson. For it is Johnson that finds himself exactly twenty points ahead of stale Starmer. 

Perhaps they really meant twenty points ahead of the Liberal Democrats? That would stack up. Do you remember them? They’re also lead by an establishment-friendly knight of the realm these days, or so I’ve heard. 

Starmer has milked the Lib Dem vote - he perfectly represents their bland centrist views, and there’s more chance of the British left supporting independent Socialist candidates, or simply not voting, than there is of them getting behind the guy with the personality of a coat bunker. So where else can he get votes from? 

He can only look rightwards now 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Tough on socialism, tough on the causes of socialism? He is as tough as overcooked Broccoli - and nearly as charismatic.

Now, before both of you Keir Starmer fans start hyperventilating and screaming “BUT CORBYN…” at the top of your voices - Mr Corbyn wasn’t facing this corrupt government, and you know it. Mr Corbyn was facing a populist government elected simply to “Get Brexit done”. He was not facing a government drenched in the blood of thousands and thousands of our loved ones. Corbyn was not facing a government accused of “social murder” by the BMJ - one of the oldest and most respected medical periodicals.

But Starmer *is* facing this government, and his attempt to play constructive opposition has been an abysmal failure. I’m not pretending it’s an easy task. You don’t want to be seen as unnecessarily critical during a time of national crisis, but at the same time, you don’t want to be seen as an opposition that is failing to hold the government to account. It’s a tough balancing act, but after ten months of near-complicity for where we find ourselves now, it is an act that Starmer cannot and will not get right. 

Starmer isn’t difficult to work out. His leadership style isn’t vastly dissimilar to how he went about his work during the Corbyn years. 

He will sit on the fence for as long as it will hold him. He tends to sit back and say very little until he can see what the popular position actually is. Then he will attach himself, the respectable Human Rights Barrister (not including Palestinian human rights), the renowned QC, to this popular position, and wait for the next worthy bandwagon to pass on by. 

Did you know, in Starmer’s case, “QC” stands for “Quisling Chancer”? You do now. 

Do you remember his pathetic-but-pure-Starmer resignation letter? He basically said he was quitting Mr Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet because that’s what his friends were doing. He went on to be a cheerleader for Owen Smith’s failed leadership bid.

They used to accuse Mr Corbyn of fence-sitting over Brexit, but Corbyn wasn’t the one sitting on the fence, he was being held in place by a predominantly Remain PLP, including Starmer, Tom “Project Anaconda” Watson, and the ghastly People’s Vote Ltd. 

Corbyn’s Brexit position was in the massively popular 2017 ‘For the many’ manifesto. 

Starmer had another coma-inducing Prime Minister's Questions today. Last week’s performance ended up with Sir Keith being forced to issue a grovelling apology to the Etonian reject Johnson. 

The “forensic” rubbish has worn off. I’m sure it worked wonderfully in the High Court, but it doesn’t work in the House of Commons. People expect the opposition leader to deliver a few blows on the Prime Minister - we expect to see Johnson, guilty of negligence beyond comprehension, on his fucking knees. 

But all we find is Starmer being the one on his knees, and as for delivering the blows? 

Let’s not even go there. 

While these posh boy muffheads scrap it out to see who can go through the entire Kama Sutra with a flag, I’m afraid the hospitals are still overwhelmed and understaffed, human beings are still sleeping on the streets in temperatures as low as minus ten, and a nation is still grieving for the massive, and let’s not forget, entirely unnecessary deaths of their loved ones - despite the grotesque attempt to normalise mass death by the same corrupted, broken media that normalised Foodbanks. 

I don’t care if I sound like a broken record, to be entirely honest. Starmer’s ignorance covers the world like a blanket, and there’s scarcely a hole in it anywhere. If he ever came up with a bright idea of his own, it would simply be down to beginners luck. 

I’ll never run out of words to describe what I see as the most ineffective, principle-free, uncharismatic leader of Her Majesty’s official opposition in my lifetime. Why should I? 

Even the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers have passed damning motions censuring Starmer, because he is, and I quote, “Demonstrably not a Socialist”. Imagine the shame of being downgraded as a socialist. That’s how bad he is.

I’ll finish with this (stop cheering at the back). 

You will not get the Tories out of government until you get the Tories out of the Labour Party. 

Until next time. 

Rachael x

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


  1. Lovely piece, the lyrics just flow. I love your style.
    How do we get the Tories out of the Labour party?
    Everybody is fighting so many causes at the same time, no co ordination.

  2. Rachael, I so wish that I could disagree with you but I am afraid that you are spot on and I enjoy your writing. Thank you.


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