‘You Know What Else Died In Gaza? The Myth Of Western Humanity’

Fact: if Israel had the same firepower in the narrative war as they do in their barbaric war on the Palestinian civilians they would be unstoppable. 

But they don’t. 

We get video clips that look like they’ve been edited on a free iPhone app, ‘evidence’ that even the BBC felt the need to call out, such was it’s ridiculousness, and these Israeli soldiers showing us a tunnel that they built themselves, back when Margaret Thatcher was in power. 

Israel’s multi-million dollar propaganda campaign may well see the IOF and official Israel X accounts constantly appearing at the top of your feed but you don’t need to scroll down far to discover a genocide happening in real time.

Act.IL is a global pro-Israel campaign at least partially funded by the country’s extremist government and a number of American pro-Israel lobby groups. 

The project includes an app that enables users to earn points and prizes for promoting the state of Israel online, by attacking campaigns such BDS and other pro-Palestinian movements. 

In short, Israel will reward you for spinning their utterly dishonest propaganda on social media. Personally, I need to be able to look at myself in the mirror without the reflections of 14,000 murdered innocent Palestinians staring back at me.

The aggressive rogue state of Israel has breached its obligations under occupation law innumerable times while continually portraying itself as the real victims. 

Even as the 7am Friday truce approached the Israeli warplanes ferociously bombarded Gaza with reports of white phosphorus bombs raining down on the residential area of the Jabalia refugee camp. The hours before a truce are always the most deadly.

As I type these words, the ‘truce’ is being upheld. By the time I finish the next paragraph there is every chance the bloodthirsty Israeli military will continue its massacre innocent Palestinians under the pretext of “Hamas rocket fire”. 

The UN is reporting the death toll to be over 15,000, all the hospitals in North Gaza are out of service. Dogs are eating the corpses of dead people on the streets of Gaza. It’s going to take more than a few trucks of much-needed aid to put this right. 

The Gazan economy has been absolutely destroyed. Gaza's unemployment rate, which has traditionally been one of the world's highest at above 40% now stands at close to 100%.

The two-state solution is as close to dead as it ever has been. Sure, Western politicians will turn up in an unrecognisable Gaza armed with platitudes, but any real attempts to revive it will simply be pointless acts of zombie diplomacy. 

While Hamas holds responsibility for the murder of a number of innocent Israel citizens, and the hostage-taking of another 200 men, women, and children, I don’t think we will ever know how many of these 1,200 people were killed by Israeli forces. 

The Western media will remain fixated on Hamas, despite the emerging real life accounts of Israeli survivors that witnessed their own forces killing and maiming Israeli civilians. 

Nobody is absolving Hamas of any responsibility, but the truth of what happened on October 7th is likely to remain classified information for years to come, because the truth will hurt Israel. 

I have some sympathy with the argument that the world’s eyes have been opened to the behaviour of Israel during the last 6 murderous weeks, but I’m afraid to say the eyes of the world have always been open. They just chose to look the other way. 

We cannot take much in the way of comfort from this sudden awakening of the global conscience because 16,000 innocent lives (and counting) have been cruelly stolen away from their loved ones in the space of 42 days. 

The heartbreaking scenes of parents and siblings hugging the grey, lifeless bodies of their precious children who have been torn to shreds by Israeli bombs are etched in my memory for the rest of my days. 

These devastating images from Gaza aren’t going to suddenly disappear. By the time you read this there’s a high chance Israel is raining down death on the besieged enclave. 

Sometimes I see things that make me put the phone down for a bit. I’ll go for a walk with the dogs, or mop the floor, anything to try and not think about the dead children found hugging each other under the mountains of rubble or the new born baby taking her final breath because Israel wanted her to die a slow and painful death. 

But if I’m feeling like this from a few video clips how the hell must the families of the dead feel watching their beloved babies being lowered into a mass burial ditch next to a road? 

How must they feel identifying what is left of their child? How must they feel having to carry the body parts of their children to hospital in several carrier bags? 

Anger? Despair? Most of us won’t have to go through these emotions because our families haven’t been massacred by a nuclear-armed apartheid pariah state. 

Humanity has failed the people of Gaza. The world has stood by and argued over semantics while Israel has been left to go on an unprecedented killing spree that has changed the shape of who and what we are forever. 

While the million dollar bombs being poured down on the people of Gaza are the deadliest weapons of mass destruction that have been unleashed thus far, apathy is probably not far behind.

I wrote only 3 weeks ago how the death toll from the genocide of Gaza had exceeded the death toll of the Srebrenica Genocide in 1995 when more than 8,000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys in the town of Srebrenica were massacred by Bosnian Serbs. 

21 days later and Israel has brutally and indiscriminately murdered nearly double the number of Gazans, and by the time you’ve got to reading this bit it is likely to be more than double the death toll from the Srebrenica genocide of 1995.

I’m delighted to see innocent civilian hostages returned to their loved ones, although the Western media coverage would have you believe it’s just Israelis being released. 

Only Israelis were allowed to celebrate the freedom of their friends and families. The Palestinians were told they mustn’t celebrate the release of their loved ones and were compelled to sign affidavits, stipulating they cannot speak to journalists, participate in gatherings, or express any form of joy or celebration.

But don’t call Israel an apartheid state, whatever you do. You will be denounced as a Hamas-loving antisemite terrorist before you can say “YOU BUILT THOSE FUCKING TUNNELS YOU FUCKING MORONS”.

Perhaps the butcher Netanyahu can find it in his cold corrupt heart to release the other 5,200 Palestinian hostages being held in Israeli prisons?

I read a stunning little quote the other day. 

“You know what else died in Gaza? The myth of Western Humanity.” 

Israel’s vile and deliberate, industrial-scale murder of the Palestinian people under the pretext of “self-defence” has indeed exposed the inconsistency of so-called Western values. 

The temporary cessation of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians will soon be over, and it’s business as usual for the Israeli murderers. 

If Israel was to end its siege of Gaza, end its occupation of Palestine, and stop fighting there would be immediate peace. If Palestine stops fighting, there will be no Palestine. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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