New Labour Same Danger With Added Tory Spite

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would take a week off from being a ridiculous affront to human decency. 

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would make an effort to read the political room and offer a viable and progressive alternative to the Conservatives. 

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would use a large anti-Tory poll lead to tell us how he would be different to the last 13 years of quite unbelievable mayhem. 

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would commit to slash the staggering amount of corporate welfare handed out to big business rather than dumping austerity 2.0 onto the British people.  

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would listen to the people and return energy, water, rail, and mail into public ownership because that is where they belong. 

I genuinely wish the leader of the Labour Party would think about the millions of children he has turned his back on before complaining that the House of Commons needs a new fucking restaurant. 

Is this an unreasonable wish list? Even from a left-of-centre viewpoint it’s not exactly eat the rich material.

The Temu Tory Starmer has forcibly dragged the Labour Party so far to the right Nigel Farage praises Labour’s immigration policy and says it is lifted straight out of the UKIP manifesto. 

Starmer hasn’t just parked his tanks on Tory lawns, he has driven them straight through the front doors of CCHQ and reduced the political debate to one of who will magic-up the fastest economic growth.

There’s nothing remotely Labour about dropping a commitment to funding student tuition fees while refusing to commit to increasing income tax on the rich, is there? 

There’s nothing remotely Labour about refusing to axe the ten-year-old bedroom tax - one of David Cameron’s most hateful and hated policies - when they are ditching a pledge to impose a windfall tax on big tech firms, right? 

Nobody seriously believes the Guardian when they tell you how Starmer is playing the long game, quietly tiptoeing towards power and ready to unleash a wave of radical policies when he’s fooled enough people into believing whatever they want them to believe?

The only evidence that exists suggests that Sir Keir Starmer is the death of progressive politics in Britain, not the saviour of the poor and working classes that the liberals are trying to sell to you.

The party itself is losing members at an alarming rate. In just the past two months a staggering 10,000 Labour members have left the party, no doubt sickened by the behaviour of the Tory tribute act that has seized control of the once-democratic socialist Labour movement. 

The Labour Party has been forced to embrace big business and sell its rancid soul to the highest bidders in exchange for access to power and influence in decision-making. 

Doesn’t Labour’s willingness to ruthlessly sell its integrity in opposition concern you enough to wonder if they will do the very same thing in government? 

Now the filthy cash of the ruling class is pouring into the Labour Party’s coffers there really is no turning back.

While some of the diehard centre-right Starmer supporters are insisting it feels like 1997 all over again but in reality it feels very much like we are waiting for another Cameron government, albeit under a different name and different rosette. 

It’s easy to forget how Starmer worked very closely with the coalition government of 2010-2015 during his time as Director of Public Prosecutions at the CPS.

Are you really that surprised to see Starmer - known to be a servant of the British security state - espousing policies barely distinguishable from those of the Conservative government? 

Labour are likely to win the next general election as a direct result of successive calamities brought about by thirteen years of fatuous and utterly dim-witted Tory government.

It would’ve happened sooner had the establishment not collectively shit a brick and launched the biggest smear campaign against one man and his allotment in British history. 

But the sycophantic eager-to-please Starmer is the safe pair of hands that the elite have been yearning for, so there won’t be no savage attacks on his lack of morality and callous abandonment of anything that resembles a steadfast principle. 

The late Sinéad O’Connor told Piers Morgan that he was a crawling sliming little gutter maggot, and quite right she was, but I would have absolutely no hesitation describing Keir Starmer with those same words. 

For the record, I would also add in “Mandelson fart-sucking treacherous warmongering shitvulture with the charisma of an extension lead”, but less is often best.

As I come to the end of this rant I am still wondering why the next Labour Prime Minister is promising to continue feeding the cycle of war and death in Ukraine while nearly a million poor children are going without a free school meal in Britain. 

The obvious answer is because Starmer is a nasty Tory bastard that managed to blag his way to the top of the Labour Party with a load of false promises. 

But then you begin to think about Starmer’s relationship with the arms industry. 

Do they fund Labour? Do they pump millions into the party to make sure the arms industry continues to thrive under the next Labour government? 

The multi-billion pound private healthcare industry has already secured the support of the Labour Party for the next parliament so what’s to stop the arms industry purchasing their bit of the next Labour government? 

Absolutely nothing would be my best guess.

The Labour Party no longer stands for meaningful change, but much more of the same. We deserve better than an opposition that prefers fashion shoots and columns for Murdoch media than standing against “heinous” and “obscene” Tory policies that are designed to keep poor people poor.

They didn’t just stand against it though, did they? They embraced it. A policy that discriminates against the victims of rape. 

Congratulations, Starmerites, you’ve got your right-wing Labour Party that you’ve always wanted. What a dreadful fucking shame it isn’t the slightest bit of use to any of us.

Until next time, 


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