
Showing posts from March, 2023

Just How Much Further To The Right Is Keir Starmer Willing To Stoop?

I really cannot believe we are here again. I slowly convinced myself to turn my unbridled ire towards the Conservative party as the week went on.  The obvious topic for most bloggers would be the permacircus surrounding the disgraced liar, Boris Johnson, but how many different ways am I supposed to call a liar, a liar?  Seriously, if you need me to tell you that Johnson is a vandalistic, malicious compulsive liar - a man that defecated all over our sham of a democracy and is a fucking insidious deceiver without a moral fibre throughout his repulsive carcass - I’m not sure where you have been for the last few years. But then I changed my mind. After all, if you never actually change your mind what’s the point of having one?  But this sudden rethink was foisted upon me by, surprise surprise, the leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer.  Starmer’s slip backwards in the polls hasn’t gone unnoticed at Labour HQ, and the “20 points ahead” memes are beginning to resurface.  Starmer, a squand

If A Tory With A Red Rosette Is The Answer, We Are Asking The Wrong Question

I must admit, I thought the next general election - to be held by December 2024 - was a forgone conclusion. But I’m not so sure it is. Even now, a return to Downing Street for Rishi Sunak looks extremely unlikely, but not quite as unlikely as it did a couple of months ago.  There’s a very simple reason why Keir Starmer cannot be certain of a Labour victory next year, and that very simple reason is Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KC.  Starmer has had it ridiculously easy over the last year or so. All he has needed to do is turn up for work each day and sit back and relax while the Tories stagger from one crisis to the next. Starmer has been afforded the luxury of a mostly positive press because the press and the Labour leader are both owned by foreign oligarchs that are hellbent on maintaining the status quo at all costs.  Keir Starmer is as much of a threat to the repulsively rich and powerful as I am to Gary Lineker’s seat on Match of the Day. You don’t get to become a knight of the realm by

The BBC: A Tory Propaganda Mouthpiece That Is No Longer Fit For Purpose

Cards on the table. I know very little about football.  I know England won the World Cup in 1966, I met Kenny Dalglish in Portugal, and I have spent countless Sunday afternoons looking for something else to do because so-and-so United are playing something-or-another Rovers on the TV.  But I’m allowed an opinion about football.  Riddle me this. Why are the BBC okay with Gary Lineker criticising the shameful human rights record of the Qatari government but not so okay with Gary Lineker criticising the shameful human rights record of the British government?  For many years the argument has raged on as to where the BBC places itself on the Overton window.  The right-wing insist the BBC is “scum media” - run by the lefty liberal wokerati elite - but if you ask someone on the left how they feel about the BBC they will tell you how the state broadcaster has been sympathetic to Toryism for as long as they can remember.  So let’s look at the evidence.  I ask you, why isn’t the Match of the Day

Starmer’s Labour: Back In The Pockets Of The Rich And Powerful

The Labour Party is back in the deep pockets of ridiculously rich donors.  The transformation from Corbyn’s Labour, funded by the cleanest money in politics, to Starmer’s Labour, funded by individuals and corporations in the expectation of access and influence, is complete. Keir Starmer and his cabal of soft Tory headbangers are trying to sell their betrayal of the working classes as a solid guarantee that Labour are now ready for government.  Who would’ve thought the loss of 180,000 party members would have such a dramatic impact on the finances of the Labour Party? Anyone with half-a-brain, I would suggest.  It was reported this week that the Labour Party has raked in some £6 million in donations in 2022 - the highest in a non-general election year since 2008, according to the party.  Just over £1 million came from unions - despite Keir Starmer’s refusal to support striking workers - isn’t it time for union members to consider where their hard earned cash is ending up?  Why on earth