Mick Lynch: This Is How Leadership And Opposition Should Be Done, Keir Starmer

Here’s a puzzler. What made Keir Starmer sack the left-wing former Shadow Transport Minister, Sam Tarry, for joining an RMT picket line, while not saying a word about the right-wing Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Lisa Nandy, joining a CWU picket line? 

You don’t buy that preposterous nonsense about Tarry “making up policy on the hoof”, do you? 

Which policy or policies did Sam Tarry invent? Nobody seems to know. 

If standing in solidarity with working people is “making up policy on the hoof”, then Tarry is guilty as charged, and that also means we finally have a policy from the Labour Party

Maybe the focus groups that support Starmer in his quest to become Britain’s most pointless lump of beige mediocrity can work up a new three-word-soundbite for him to promote this policy? 

Labour abandons workers. 

You can have that one for free, Mr Starmer. 

I caught a bit of David Lammy on the news the other day - possibly the most overrated and over-promoted heap of pomposity in recent times - he was saying that a party that is “ready for government” doesn’t stand on picket lines. 

Didn’t Lisa Nandy get the memo, Dave? Or are you not going to criticise her because you want a top job in the event of Nukealot Nandy replacing the establishment sycophant Starmer? 

I take it you do know the CWU fund Lisa Nandy, Mr Lammy?

Starmer - a ‘leader’ with the charisma of topsoil and the authoritativeness of an anxiety-ridden supply teacher - wouldn’t even dream of ‘having a quiet word’ with Nandy. 

So the chances of the spineless fraud Starmer sacking the backstabbing think-tank director Nandy are minimal, despite the fact she would happily wield the knife, dripping in personal ambition, and plunge it straight into the back of the Brylcreemed shitehawk without a second thought. 

And Starmer knows this. 

The support that surrounds Keir Starmer is a support that is built upon quicksand. When you see that fucking hideous sap Streeting, Nandy, or the benefit-claimant-hating Rachel Reeves on the news do you really believe them when they insist Starmer has their full support? 

They’re literally lining up to replace the hopelessly unpopular conman.

The Blairites are using Starmer to dispose of the left-wing elements that remain in the Labour Party. It is believed at least 188,000 members have parted company with Starmer’s Labour. 

Once Keir Starmer has completed the great left purge he will no longer serve a tangible purpose to the Blairites, and they will wash their hands with him, despite Starmer being a willing participant in the unwanted rehashing of the Blair Rich Project. 

But let’s talk about here and now, and the ridiculous self-portrayal of a man with “honour and integrity”. No laughing at the back please.

Just this week the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner found that Keir Starmer ‘unintentionally’ breached parliamentary rules on the declaration of MPs’ interests no fewer than eight times – five more than were in the original complaint against him. 

Once could be an oversight, twice might well be a cock up, but eight times? 

That’s eight individual failures to declare interests such as a land sale, gifts from football teams, and a tidy five-figures book advance from Murdoch within the required timeframe. 

What about the broken ten pledges? Integrity you say? The fraud Starmer would sell his nearest and dearest to a travelling circus if he thought it would plant one of his privileged feet through the front door of 10 Downing Street. 

Starmer built his political reputation upon a foundation of honesty, decency, and lots of other words ending with the letter “y”, but in reality, if Boris Johnson is full-fat Coca Cola, Starmer is Diet Coke, and his personality and charisma is Coke Zero.

How do you word it politely? Essentially, Keir Starmer is so full of shit that I feel the need to hand him a toilet roll and a breath-freshening Polo after every speech.

The Starmer fans - a cult of deluded centrists that still believe in Santa Claus - will keep going on about the apparent unpopularity of Jeremy Corbyn because it means they don’t have to admit their leader isn’t cutting through, and he really is “bland and anonymous”, like Mick Lynch said this week. 

Do you remember when Jeremy was elected Labour leader in 2015, and we spent the next 4 years slagging off Ed Miliband at every possible opportunity? Me neither! 

Here’s one for the Starmeramas to chew on. 

How comes their bastion of electability, Keir Starmer, has lower approval ratings than Jeremy Corbyn did at this point during his leadership? Those facts can be a real pain in the arse when you can’t get them to fit in with your failed ideology. 

Slip-out-quietly Starmer could seriously do with a training session with England’s all-conquering Lionesses based on the number of open goals he misses.  

The cost of living crisis is in reality a cost of greed crisis, it is state inflicted poverty, and some 16 million of us are having to cut back on essentials to make ends meet. 

Starmer should be on every news channel, every single day, dragging this wretched government to hell and back when they are at their most vulnerable. 

The multi-millionaire Chancellor and the multi-millionaire Prime Minister are currently on holiday, itself an utterly disgraceful dereliction of duty during such a critical time, and where is Keir Starmer? 

On holiday until the 15th of August, obviously. 

Yes, they’re all fully entitled to take a holiday, even if most of us can’t afford fish and chips in the back garden, but timing really is of the essence, and when you are a holder of the highest offices in the land, or you are seeking to hold the highest office in the land, a few beers in the sunshine gets put on the back burner. 

See, we know the useless Tories haven’t got any solutions to the cost of greed crisis, but we expect the Labour Party to at least try and put together a plausible attempt at a solution, even under the leadership of a ham-faced quisling like Starmer.

So where is stand-for-nothing Starmer’s solution to the crisis that has already cost lives, and promises to cost considerably more? I’ve not seen anything, have you? 

State-sponsored euthanasia might not concern Mr Starmer whilst he’s topping up his tan, but honestly, it frightens the shit out of me, because I’m a socialist. 

It genuinely pains me to hold up a mirror to today’s Labour Party and see an insupportable and insufferable omnishambles staring back at me. 

I appreciate the need for political compromise, because compromise is essentially the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another. 

But this has to be a two-way street, rather than a one-way ticket to more of the same from a man that is so dull he could record his own voice and compete with those whale-noise CDs you can buy to help you get a restful sleep. Or is it Dolphins? 

Who cares? Starmer is a conman, a political chameleon, and an absolutely pathetic leader with the likability of long Covid. 

I see a far greater degree of leadership, clarity, and vision being espoused by the Secretary General of the RMT Union, Mick Lynch. 

Listen to Starmer speak for a few minutes, if you can tolerate the human form of diazepam for that long, and then take a moment to listen to this utter masterclass from Mr Lynch. 


Whilst freebie Starmer puts his feet up, working class hero Lynch is organising his people, because he understands the basics of this cost of greed crisis, and while his first duty is to his members, he speaks plain truths on behalf of millions of us. 

Like a leader should. Someone capable of bringing people together, not a factional flop like Starmer, under the control of the proponents of an ideology that was dead on its arse when Oasis last played together.

Don’t worry, I’m nearly done, you might get the impression my opinion of the fence post in a suit isn’t particularly high? He certainly doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him. 

You know those 9V batteries, the ones you can stick on your tongue and if it tingles you know it works? God, I hope it wasn’t just me. 

Starmer is the battery that you can stick on your tongue all day long, and it still won’t tingle, because it has no power, it’s flat as a fucking pancake and belongs in the battery recycling bin because it is no longer fit for purpose. 

What a diabolical position for the Labour Party to find themselves in, struggling to prove what they stand for, throwing out meaningless sound bites like “Britain needs a fresh start”, the polls are closing, Thatcher-dug-up Truss is a preferred Prime Minister to Keir Starmer, and when asked what they would do to help families through the cost of greed crisis they just say the government has to do something, without a single clue given as to what *they* would do to help the 16 million people who are cutting back on essentials, because this horrible rip-off Britain is sending people to an early grave.

I don’t know where the knight of the realm is taking his family holiday, and I don’t care, but if any campaign is set up to keep the anti-socialist plant pot there, put my name down at the top of the list to help out. 

Until next time, 


Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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