To Get The Tories Out Of Government You Must First Get The Tories Out Of Labour

What is the point of today’s Labour Party? 

What is the point of a Labour Party that refuses to support rail workers, for example?

Keir Starmer’s strategy of looking like a “responsible government in waiting” - at the expense of supporting striking rail workers - really isn’t fooling anyone. 

All Starmer had to say was something like, “We support the right for rail workers to withhold their labour and we urge an agreement to be reached as soon as possible to avert the risk of further disruption”.

Then Starmer had the option to allow his MPs and shadow cabinet members to act upon their own consciences, instead of issuing authoritarian diktats that were only ever going to lead to further trauma for the Labour Party.

The government has been on the back foot for quite some time now, but rather than expose the deep rifts within the Conservative ranks Starmer chooses to highlight the divisions within his own front bench.

Is the point of Keir Starmer simply to keep the Tories in power for as long as possible? The Teflon turd Johnson said he fancied hanging around beyond 2030 and it appears Starmer is happy to help him. 

Shadow Local Government Minister Mike Amesbury, an MP that supported Keir Starmer’s candidacy for the Labour leadership back in 2020, has decided to resign from his position following him voicing his support for rail workers. 

Amesbury said, “workers do not withdraw their labour lightly" adding, “they are fighting to save jobs in this cost of living crisis."

Imagine this being enough of a crime for Amesbury to feel the need to quit his role. 

This is supposed to be the Labour Party, the clue really is in the name, but all I see here is a piss-poor David Cameron tribute act, devoid of morality, with no obvious purpose, and a leader that is so painfully uninspiring and so obviously lacking any sort of a realistic vision that will improve the lives of all of us. 

Again I ask, what is the point of today’s Labour Party, headed by Keir Starmer? 

They certainly have nothing to offer the people of the great City of Liverpool, be in absolutely no doubt of that. 

Keir Starmer’s Labour no longer stands for the people of Liverpool. 

Why would Starmer write for a vermin of a tabloid such as the S*n, knowing fully what the lying shit of a rag did in the aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster? “The Truth”? Fuck off. Disgraceful phone hacking scum. 

Don’t give me any nonsense about ‘reaching out to S*n readers’. It’s 2022 and we have lots of different ways we can reach out to every single part of the electorate without having to go cap in hand to Rupert Murdoch. 

While Labour HQ are sending the Starmer drones out to say they’re “ready for government” - off the back of a shocking result in Wakefield - back in Liverpool the Labour Party had a dreadful result at the Fazakerley by-election, dropping 26% compared to the party’s performance in the last election in the same ward. 

And most of those votes went to left-wing independents. Starmer has attacked democracy in Liverpool, and it is going to cost him dearly.

This is the damage being done by Keir Starmer’s disastrous leadership, and it’s not going to get any better by the time the next elections are held across the whole of Liverpool, in May next year. 

Starmer no longer pretends to resemble anything in the slightest bit left-wing. He is a proud centrist, socially conservative, anti-trade Union - which in turn makes him anti worker, and he still believes in Work Capability Assessments for sick and disabled people - because a doctors opinion and medical evidence isn’t enough in Starmer’s centrist paradise. 

This is the same bloke that promised to make the “moral case for socialism”, now claiming to be a proud centrist. It’s almost as if he lied through his teeth to secure enough votes to steal the Labour leadership back in 2020. 

“But he’s not as bad as Boris Johnson” simply isn’t going to wash. A cheat is a cheat, a liar is a liar. 

When we start supporting politicians for no other reason than they tell less lies than the other candidate we’re fucking well finished as a society. 

Starmer is a proven liar, an utterly shameless opportunist, and while weathervane politics is appealing to some, I prefer my politicians to have some basic core principles, such as honesty, integrity and compassion. 

These three word soundbites that Starmer has used reek of desperation. It might feel like someone at Planet Keith has got a serious obsession with their thesaurus app, but he’s actually blowing good money on them. 

We’ve actually had TEN different three word gems, which is coincidentally the same number of solemn pledges that Starmer presented to Labour members, which still sits on his website to this day. 

Labour’s current support is built upon quicksand. They’re not doing or saying anything that is right or of any use, they’re just not Boris Johnson. 

When Johnson has gone, Starmer will sink without so much as a nasal whinge - that’s why the Labour right has been organising to replace him for quite some time. 

Rumours emerged on Friday that Keir Starmer was sitting on a fixed penalty notice from Durham police - an allegation that Starmer’s office had refused to confirm or deny at the time of writing. 

I don’t know the truth, of course, but I do know you cannot and must not trust Keir Starmer because he will let you down without a second thought. 

Our socialism isn’t going back into the box that it jumped out of. Starmer and his supporters need to understand this because there will be no backing down. It’s not what we do. 

We don’t demand purity. We’ve never demanded every Corbyn policy be continued by Starmer, because we know they’re not the same type of politician. 

But what we have demanded is honesty and accountability from a weak Labour opposition that laughably insists it is ready to run the country when they can barely hold their own party together.

Here’s a reality check. 

The British people will have to put up with hand-picked establishment-approved governments that a majority of us never voted for until we elect a government that believes in proportional representation. 

It is not the current position of the Labour Party to support PR, which would demonstrate an incredible amount of shortsightedness on behalf of Keir Starmer, but I tend to believe it is a case of Starmer being perfectly happy with the status quo.

Awarding 100% of the power to a party that received a minority of the vote doesn’t make any sense to me,

Now you might think a Tory-lite Starmer government is better than what we are currently lumbered with, and I absolutely hear you, but I simply do not agree with you, because I struggle to get behind dishonest politicians, regardless of the colour of their rosette.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them, and Starmer is of the same thinking that created our problems. 

I’m not sure I can put it in much simpler terms than this really.

So I return to the first line of this blog, still none the wiser as to the point of Keir Starmer and this current red Tory version of the Labour Party. 

Let’s be honest, Starmer didn’t win the Wakefield by-election, the Tories lost it. There was no vote of confidence in Keir Starmer’s leadership, but there was a vote of no confidence in the Prime Ministership of Boris Johnson. 

This may be enough to keep the diehard Starmer supporters bouncing for now. They are perfectly happy supporting him because he is not Boris Johnson, but as a long term political strategy it will inevitably lead to failure, because Boris Johnson won’t be around forever. 

As a year of discontent begins to unravel it isn’t unreasonable to ask why Keir Starmer refuses to put the Labour Party on the right side of history.

The working classes are beginning to ask what a Keir Starmer government would look like for them, because Labour has fallen a country mile short of showing any genuine support with striking rail workers. 

What is the point of a Labour Party looking to outlaw solidarity within its own ranks?

That’s right, absolutely no point whatsoever, made even more glaringly obvious by the refreshingly honest, plain speaking, Tory crushing performances by the RMT Union boss, Mick Lynch.

I cannot accept or support a slightly-less-evil version of the Tory party, and if that is a controversial statement to someone who sits on the left of the Overton window, I would politely suggest that you are somewhat lost over here.

If you can get the Tories out of the Labour Party you might just be able to get the Tories out of government. If you can’t, then accept mediocrity, accept the lesser of two evils, and accept you are enabling a continuation of Tory rule for at least another decade, regardless of who is in charge. Simple as that.

Until next time, 


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