Enough is Enough: Pack Your Bags and GTFO, Boris Johnson

Aren’t you just sick of the sight of Boris Johnson? 

This tragic, delusional, elitist, numbskull spent 5 decades believing with every fibre of his being that he was destined to become Prime Minister. 

Then when Johnson finally lied and manipulated his way into the highest office in the land, the 5 decades of misguided self-belief were exposed within 5 minutes. 

I know some Boris Johnson fans read my blogs, and while I thank you for taking the time to have a browse, I hope you take just a moment to absorb some realities, because it seems like your mainstream media presents you with a version of the Prime Minister that has nothing in common with Boris Johnson, *your* Prime Minister. 

Now, I know you’re going to shout “vaccine rollouts” and the new favourite with Tory MPs, “Ukraine”. 

So let’s answer both of those with a straight bat. 

The vaccine rollout success was down to the dedication and excellence of our brilliant National Health Service. When you give the NHS the tools to perform, they can perform beyond our expectations. 

But when Johnson hands over tens of billions of pounds to the private sector - Serco springs to mind - you end up with a catastrophe like the test and trace system. 

The Tories even tried calling it the “NHS Test and Trace” programme. The media went along with it too. But it was a £37 billion lie. 

The Tories were paying consultants £7,000 a day for crying out loud. Seven grand! Meanwhile, families were driving up and down the country, trying to get a Covid test, and Johnson’s chief spinner was driving around the North East, testing his eyesight out, when the rest of the country was told to stay home, to protect the NHS, and save lives. 

Give Johnson credit for the vaccine rollout? Don’t be so ridiculous. He can own his fatal mistakes first, and that begins with two simple words. 

“I resign”. 

Now let’s talk about Ukraine. 

Putin’s botched invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent war that has followed can only be condemned for the utterly heinous act of barbarism that it is. Charges of war crimes and genocide must be answered for. 

But I’m afraid I cannot and will not join in with the seemingly compulsory hero worshipping of Ukrainian President Zelensky. 

I feel absolutely no pride when Zelensky describes Johnson as his greatest ally. Why would I feel pride knowing we are at the top of the fuelling-war club? 

Johnson has used Zelensky to prop up his own dwindling support back here in Blighty. 

Johnson has used fleeing Ukrainian refugees to grandstand his pseudo-compassion, while sending Priti Patelaviv out to Rwanda to ensure Britain rules the human trafficking waves once more. 

Johnson has used Ukraine as a cover for his own acts of criminality, his own prolific inadequacies, his own unforgivable failure of leadership. 

It’s all about the oligarchs Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

For the record, I do not support Russia, I do not support Ukraine. My absolute solidarity and sorrow is with the people of these countries because they do not want their children growing up under the shadow of a bomb, no different to you or I.

Are you still with us, Tory readers? I hope so, because I know you’ve spent the last few minutes thinking of Jeremy Corbyn, such is your obsession with the jam-making, hope-giving, marrow-growing, equality-loving founder of the Peace and Justice Project. 

Absolutely. Rent. Free. 

While Boris Johnson is happy sending vast collections of weapons and military equipment abroad, the only Arsenal that Mr Corbyn wishes to see crossing the channel is his beloved Arsenal FC, as they challenge for a place in next season's Champions League competition.

Parliament has voted for the Privileges Committee to look at whether Boris Johnson misled Parliament. 

You only need to look on social media to see countless examples of the renowned mistruther Johnson contradicting himself from one day to the next, possibly confused by the sheer number of blatant lies that have passed through his lips. 

This is the THIRD investigation into the serial criminal Johnson’s conduct. Lawmakers can keep asking themselves the same question, over and over again, but I’m afraid the answer doesn’t suddenly change, because their man is bang to rights without a single leg to stand on, the loathsome, morally bereft monster. 

The local elections are just a couple of weeks away, and no matter how much Johnson bluffs about the “people's priorities”, I think the people will deliver a hefty blow to Johnson’s hopes of clinging on until the next general election. 

The red Nick Clegg, Keir Starmer, should profit from the anti-Tory vote, because the media love Mr Starmer as he poses less of a threat to the status quo than an inebriated gnat. 

So that’s what I think of your “successful vaccine rollout” and your war in Ukraine. 

A Prime Minister willing to use a humanitarian disaster of an unimaginable scale to placate his back benchers isn’t a Prime Minister that will ever speak for me. 

A Prime Minister willing to lie through his teeth to cling on to a job that leaves him close to drowning on a daily basis because he is so far out of his depth isn’t a Prime Minister that will ever speak for me. 

A Prime Minister willing to unleash conscious cruelty on the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society while allowing oil giants to get away without paying a single penny in tax isn’t a Prime Minister that will ever speak for me.

A Prime Minister willing to turn a blind eye to the atrocities happening right now in Palestine and Yemen - a Prime Minister that turned up in Saudi Arabia the very day the dictators executed 81 people - isn’t a Prime Minister that will ever speak for me.

A Prime Minister so entrenched in sleaze, corruption and criminality, so desperate to escape any degree of accountability, isn’t a Prime Minister that will ever speak for me. 

I still regularly see comments from people who (quite rightly) point out that getting rid of Boris Johnson doesn’t get rid of the Tories, and Johnson’s replacement will be just as bad. 

But do we allow the fear of the unknown to put the brakes on holding power to account? 

Of course not. 

If there is no rule of law for Johnson, and a deficit of accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and inevitably, indignation. 

The longer Boris Johnson clings on to power the more likely civil disobedience becomes an agitated and tired people's direct action of choice. 

In the words of Boris Johnson’s idol, Winston Churchill, "Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it”. 

Johnson can hide in India, Ukraine, Chequers, or even at the No.10 party house, but the fact remains that Boris Johnson is a dangerous liability, sinking further out of his depth as each day passes, and the time for him to go is NOW. 

Get him out. 

Until next time, 


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