The Faces Of Genocide And The Death Of The Moral Authority Of The West

Justice will overtake fabricators of lies and false witnesses.”


What a name. 

We found out this week, in the most tragic way imaginable, why the handful of Western journalists that have avoided the temptation of becoming bought and paid for Zionist mouthpieces, are kept as far away from Gaza as possible. 

You will already know the story. 

ITV interviewed a group of Palestinians, all with their hands in the air, one of whom was raising a white flag above his head. Once the interview ended the photographer turned around to take one more photo of them. 

Gunfire rang out, and Ramzi Abu Sahlou was assassinated - shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper - witnessed by the ITV news crew. 

Shooting an unarmed person under the supposed safety of a white flag is a war crime, and the defenders and supporters of these horrifying acts of wickedness belong in The Hague alongside the pariah state of Israel.

The IDF - globally known for being one of the most immoral military forces on the face of the planet - had this to say:

"It is imperative to emphasise that the alarming, libelous and a gross mischaracterisation of the war with these despicable accusations can only be deemed as an extension of Hamas' propaganda effort to defame the IDF and undermine our objective to dismantle Hamas”.

The IDF forgot to include the “blood libel” bit. 

You’d be amazed at how many entirely warranted criticisms of the Israeli killing machine are now called “blood libel”, since the antisemite smear now simply echos like a fart in phone box as the far-right march past, Israel and Union flags aloft, together in ideologically evil harmony.

Talking of the far-right… I’ve not said much about Keir Starmer of late. If you’ve been reading my nonsense for a few years you will know much of my activism has revolved around exposing that malignant bastard for what he is. 

But Starmer, who seems to confuse the values of the Labour Party with the aspirations of the Likud Party, seems to be doing everything in his power to deny the reality of the crisis laid so brutally before us in the piles of the rubble of Gaza.

If ever a marzipan dildo did exist in political form it would undoubtedly be the Labour leader, Keir Rodney Starmer, taking his lead from the war criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv. 

I fully support the suggestion that Labour Friends of Israel should be proscribed as a terrorist organisation. Nobody knows who funds them, yet everybody knows they preferred Boris Johnson to Jeremy Corbyn.

The ICJ preliminary hearing on Friday was both damning and embarrassing for the genocidal state of Israel and all of those that have supported, armed, and funded the Zionist reign of terror over the Palestinian people.

Did they utter the word “ceasefire”? No. And that disappointed a lot of us. 

Why didn’t they call for an immediate ceasefire? Because the ICJ wasn’t prepared to take on Washington - the sponsors of the death, destruction and displacement.

But think of it this way. Israel cannot fulfill their obligations of not behaving like the Nazis for the next month if they refuse to stop the mass killings, stop the forcible displacements, ensure vital aid is allowed through the borders, and essential services are restored to what is left of the children’s graveyard of Gaza. 

Israel responded by screaming “antisemitism”, of course, and much of the world just rolled their eyes. The day before they were saying the World Health Organisation is a Hamas mouthpiece. Nobody believes these crazed killers any more. 

While genocide Joe may well get away with pleading insanity, what’s Starmer and Sunak’s excuse? Have they asked one another, “what can we say to make it look like Israel is not committing war crimes”, just like the Dutch Prime Minister asked his legal affairs ministry?

And what about the demonic, malevolent organ grinder watching those American tax dollars flowing into Israel, safe in the knowledge the working classes of the United States’ patriotic duty is to continue to fund the murder of babies?

Satanyahu will need something better than ‘Ben Gvir made me do it’, or some old biblical bollocks about the Daleks when the ICC drags his corrupted, unholy carcass into the dock of The Hague.

The death of the moral authority of the West has been hastened by the Butcher of Gaza. The corpse, being carried by a humiliated Britain and America, is being displayed on a global stage and my god, it’s truly unsightly. We just couldn’t stop invading, oppressing and persecuting, could we? 

I believe that day will come, today more than ever. And who knows, one day the American people might realise they shouldn’t be working themselves into an early grave to fund the genocide of Gaza.

While the focus of Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing has been centred on Gaza it is still vitally important to remember the death and destruction that is happening in the occupied West Bank.

Since the war on Gaza began, over 300 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed by Israeli forces or illegal Israeli settlers. 

The Israeli army has detained at least 6,255 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, as reported by the Commission of Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Society. 

Israel is increasing the installation of iron gates to limit movement in West Bank villages. Houses are being demolished. Zionist extremist settlers are above the law and the law plans to arm the settlers to enable them to carry out some of that renowned Israeli “self-defence”.

Even before October 7th, Israeli forces had already killed 234 Palestinians in the West Bank from January - September 2023, while settlers were responsible for nine more killings. 

Remember: Hamas is the government of Gaza, not the West Bank. Punishing the Palestinians living in the West Bank is an extension of the illegal genocidal collective punishment being dished out to the innocent civilians in Gaza.

Thousands upon thousands of dead Palestinians cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them. 

Pay attention Israel. The path to justice may well be long and arduous, but we have travelled an immense distance in just a few short days and we will not stop until you stop the killing, lift the blockades, and end the illegal occupation. 

I’ll close with the words of Desmond Tutu’s granddaughter, Mungi Ngomane: 

By bringing the case to the ICJ, South Africa has acted for our common humanity,” she said.

“South Africa was drawing upon its history with apartheid. Today Netanyahu mentioned ‘never again’ and South Africa was saying, ‘OK, never again applies to all’. This includes the Palestinians.

“This is not just a one-size-fits-all justice that we can meet out to the West and then the Global South has something else. I think South Africa wants to hold up and live by the democratic ideals that came out of our struggle and is asking the world to do the same”. 

Thanks for reading. 

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