The Staggering Hypocrisy of the Tory Charmer Starmer

What would you call a politician that benefitted from a free education and student grants only for them to promise to deny the young people of today the same opportunities that they had? 

The same politician said just this week, “I will shatter the class ceiling, so that all young people have the opportunities they deserve”. 

You *are* the class ceiling, Keir Starmer, you awful gaslighting grade one ham-faced hypocrite. 

His dad was a fucking toolmaker. So what? It doesn’t matter if Starmer’s dad was a baghead, an airline pilot, a commodities trader, or the real inspiration behind Das Kapital. 

The fact remains, Keir Starmer is a monotonous invertebrate sell out that would be desperately out of his depth in a fucking bird bath. 

Who on earth is this elitist Murdoch lickspittle Starmer to tell us about class ceilings? Tell me, how many skint establishment-favourite knight of the realms with the commoners upbringing do you know of? 

This image they try to create of a young Starmer having to share a baked bean with mum and dad  is as insulting as it is nauseating. 

The trouble is, this electorate will buy into absolutely anything if you wrap up your offer in sheets of faux patriotism. But the only thing Keir Starmer has on offer is a continuation of Tory rule, albeit under the name of the Labour Party.

Keir Starmer is almost as convincing as Nigel Farage when he told us a vote for leave was a vote against the establishment. Like Starmer *is* the class ceiling, Farage *was* the establishment. 

The Labour leader has absolutely no qualms over saddling a student with an average debt of £45,000, despite pledging to honour Labour’s 2019 manifesto commitment to completely scrap tuition fees. How can any young person trust this lying fraud? 

Keir Starmer succeeded in smashing through the class ceiling because society gave him a hand up the ladder. But rather than extending his hand to help others out of the misery of being a ‘lowly’ son of a toolmaker the duplicitous, morally reprehensible Starmer pulled the ladder up behind him. 

But Starmer isn’t going to stop there. As soon as he gets his feet under the Downing Street desk he is going to replace the class ceiling with a reinforced concrete roof with just a tiny escape hatch for the privileged few. 

And why? 

Because Keir Starmer is a morally reprehensible charlatan that cannot be trusted. He will bend over in every direction imaginable to keep the ruling class and the billionaire media on his side.

Starmer’s latest act of inexcusable shame has seem Labour’s commitment to strengthen workers rights end up getting watered down.

Starmer believes he can woo super rich corporate bosses and discredit Tory claims that the Labour Party is “anti-business” ahead of the next general election, likely to take place in just over a year's time.

For the first time in my life I find myself agreeing with the disgraced criminal Boris Johnson when he said “fuck business”. 

Keir Starmer should be using this fucking massive anti-Tory poll lead to set out an agenda that shifts the hoarded wealth from rich to poor, putting money back in the pockets of the working classes and encouraging growth through sustained investment. 

This cannot and will not be achieved by cosying up to the same financial gangsters that have held us to ransom for as long as I can remember. 

Take Shell for a moment. They made an unprecedented and obscene £32 billion in annual profits last year while we are facing climate chaos. Starmer is more likely to invite them out for a business breakfast than wring their corporate necks for every last penny in tax.

BP made a staggering £23 billion profit last year. Our friends and family were freezing to death while these greedy global polluters were profiting to the tune of 80 brand new NHS hospitals. 

It’s all very well the Labour front bench meekly criticising the obscene profits of the likes of Shell and BP but what use is their apparent indignation if they are not willing to follow it through with action? 

Starmer’s Labour is only demanding a “proper” windfall tax because they know the crippling cost of energy bills have been a hugely damaging experience for the Conservatives. 

But what does this proper windfall tax actually look like, and how will it be any different to the current 35% windfall tax that is set to run until March 2028? 

Based upon what we know about the Labour Party’s willingness to out-Tory the Tories you could be forgiven for thinking what Labour will take from the global polluters with one public hand they will privately give back with another through various loopholes and incentives.

The hypocrite Starmer is pretty unique in the sense that I’ve not got a single good word that I could possibly say about him. 

Despite fundamentally disagreeing with the Saudi-stooge Blair and the uninspiring melt Miliband I still reckon I could find just one good thing to say about them if I really tried hard enough. 

But gaslighter-in-chief Starmer? Nothing. 

The wooden Labour leader with the appeal of a Kit Kat Chunky dipped in Bovril is a treacherous thief of joy made only worse by the indisputable fact that he is a Tory one at that. 

Until next time, 


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