“Are You A Tory Plant?” - Says The Ex-Lib Dem

I wasn’t going to write anything today. We know roughly where we are. But some things need saying. 

The government is in chaos, test and trace is worse than chaos, new positive Covid-19 infections are soaring, jobs are going, money is sparse for many of us, and every time you see Johnson or his merry band of negligent Ministers pop up in public you are left with the overwhelming feeling that they simply haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and what on earth happens next. 

We know the opposition are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, and I take absolutely no pleasure in saying that, because any government successfully being held to account needs a true opposition, rather than one of those parcel shelf nodding dogs you see here and there. 

Had Starmer not commanded an abstention this week, he could’ve inflicted a defeat on the Tories - and that is something a certain Jeremy Corbyn managed, more than forty times, which is more than any other opposition leader, Conservative or Labour, in history. 

That is holding government to account. Like it or lump it. 

Can you imagine what could’ve been achieved if 75% of the Parliamentary Labour Party had decided to work with us, rather than against us? 

The same can be said for the blue-tick political commentators. Most of them worked against us, of course, but even the ones that did work with us blew hot and cold like a faulty fan heater. Clicks always came before loyalty. Retweets always came before message discipline. 

You have to wonder how Jeremy turned up for work with a smile on his face every day. He had strong people around him to look after him, there’s no doubt about that, but seriously, the shit that man put up with might never be spoken about, and this was coming from people within the Labour Party. 

Quite a few of us spent the best part of four years and three months supporting Jeremy. We wasn’t paid to do it, we wasn’t asked to do it, we did it because we believed Jeremy was our best hope of breaking the rigged system, and we did it because Jeremy Corbyn spent five decades supporting us. 

That’s socialism, and that’s how we roll. 

Much of what we did was met with huge resistance. It’s no secret I’ve been doorstepped twice by the S*n and The Mail. Other friends lost well-paid stable jobs, another was forced to close their social media accounts. Another friend lost clients. Several of us have been ‘doxxed’. I could go on. 

What people don’t realise is that most of these attacks and smears haven’t come from the Conservatives, or even the far-right. They come from the centre-ground. In fact, the nastiest stuff I get, like malicious communications, comes from people identifying themselves with an FBPE hashtag, a few stray Lib Dems, Bliarites, and these days, it’s usually the Keir Starmer fans. 

The Starmerrhoids are an interesting specie. They come prepared with eerily similar messages that include things like - 

“You are a Tory plant” 

“Boris Johnson must love you” 

“Do you want ten more Tory years?” 

“Call yourself Labour?” 

And the ever-popular - 

“We got behind Jeremy Corbyn even though we didn’t really like him so you should get behind Sir Keir”. 

All of their points are ludicrous, of course. My track record speaks for itself, and no amount of pre-scripted nonsense will ever be able to change that. 

But anyway, a good mate of mine, and a bloody good campaigner, is Mr Ben Jolly. Ben has been doing some forensic work of his own with a series of “This You?” tweets. 

Ben often receives tweets from Keir Starmer supporters, telling him to get behind the democratically elected leader, just like they did throughout the Corbyn years. Then he dives through their historic tweets and tends to find a mountain of abuse aimed at Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters, as well as confessions of their Lib Dem voting past. 

Here’s a great example, and I thoroughly recommend you follow @BenJolly9 on Twitter. 

These Starmerama individuals take hypocrisy to whole new levels. When we needed and asked for their support we received the opposite. They actively campaigned against the twice-elected leader, ensuring we ended up with a hard-right Tory government headed up by a philandering pisshead. 

And now they tell us to get behind Starmer? Get fucking real. I’ll get behind a reversing bus before I get behind any political leader that is a staunch defender of the rotting corpse of capitalism. 

Never before have I seen such lame opposition. While this say-nothing-do-nothing style of opposition might sit well in the Home Counties, and it might even land you a slot writing for the Daily Mail, I’m afraid it won’t make any difference to the record numbers using food banks, it will do nothing for the nurses who put their lives on the line for one third of an MPs salary, it does nothing for the thousands of rough sleepers who are about to spend another winter on the streets of Britain, during a global pandemic, and it does absolutely nothing for me. 

The argument of any Labour government being better than any Conservative government used to be true. But like many of you, I see them as two cheeks of the same stinking backside these days, because this Labour leadership have done nothing to indicate otherwise, and find themselves complicit in the death and devastation caused by the failed catastrophic leadership of Boris Johnson during the Coronavirus.

Aren’t you sick of hearing “We support the government”, over and over again? Speak for yourself, Sir Keir, because we oppose this malignant corrupted negligent government with every ounce of energy that we have. We oppose injustice, we oppose inequality, and do you know what? We oppose torture. We simply do not abstain, just like Sir Keir did on the Tory Welfare Reforms.

So, dear Keirleaders, don’t waste your time, save your tweeting for asking where the Ocado van is, or complaining to John Lewis customer services about your faulty iMac Pro, because they’re more likely to care about your whining than what I am. 

Have a lovely weekend folks, talk soon. 


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