When It Comes To The Poll That Matters Keir Starmer Is A Perpetual Failure

Let me start with an apology. 

I wrote a blog last week, the title was Starmer: Only In The Lead Because He’s Not Boris Johnson - at the time of writing it had been viewed more than 19,000 times. 

During a moment of anger I compared Keir Starmer’s charisma to that of a “mummified corpse”. This was totally uncalled for, and somewhat poorly thought out on my behalf. 

I know this upset quite a few Keir Starner supporters, including lovely Cathy from Southampton, who called me a “grifter” (original), thoughtful Jonathan from Liverpool who kindly commented, “people like you keep the Tories in power - sit down and shush”, and my personal favourite from Ryan, saying, “You c*nts need to just fuck off, really”. 

So I will do the right thing, and I unreservedly apologise to any mummified corpse that was offended by my rash comparison to that useless establishment hooplicker, Starmer. 

Let me be clear. I am not a writer, or a journalist. My grammar is appalling, I often use punctuation in the wrong places, I don’t even know where the spellcheck thing is, but most importantly, I honestly couldn’t care less. 

I just throw my opinions down, and people can choose whether to read or not read them, and agree or disagree with them, that’s what opinions are about. But I won’t be abused or intimidated into silence. Guaranteed.

If Keir Starmer is your solution to the problem that is Boris Johnson then you need to worry about your own moral compass before you even begin to worry about mine, and perhaps go and read some Melville tweets to calm yourself down a little. 

It’s remarkable really. So many of these Manic Keith Preachers used to be huge fans of the People’s Vote Ltd shenanigans. Do you remember that? 

A cynic might suggest the People’s Vote thing was the perfect vehicle to flatten Jeremy Corbyn with. Anyone with half-a-brain was fully aware of the cost to the Labour Party of supporting a second referendum. 

Key figures in the Labour Party including Ian Lavery, Jon Trickett, Karie Murphy, and Jeremy Corbyn himself spoke out on numerous occasions, warning of the catastrophic consequences for the Labour Party if they were to support a second Brexit referendum. 

But removing Jeremy Corbyn was clearly of greater urgency than removing Boris Johnson to the likes of Tom Watson, and the serpent Starmer.

Not one of you Starmerrhoids gets to tell us who to support. You spent 4 years sabotaging and attacking the previous Labour leader. You spent 4 years making up hideous lies about us - and even now, your obsession with attacking the left far outweighs your apparent determination to get the Tories out. 

We will learn no lessons from you, because you knew the consequences of smearing and abusing the only viable alternative to Boris Johnson. This is *your* Conservative government, and *you* can own it. 

What is it you’re trying to get us to support anyway? We are socialists, why on earth would we lend our support to an anti-Socialist slimeball like Starmer? Because he’s not Boris Johnson? Don’t make me laugh, please. 

You may be, well, are, utterly devoid of principles, but we’re not just going to vote for some lifeless lump of spam in a suit like Starmer because he’s not quite as bad as the other guy. 

The colour of the rosette really isn’t the issue here, it’s the direction of travel that I’ve got a problem with. Gone are the days where I’ll just go and vote Labour because they’re not the Conservative candidate, because the Labour Party needs an identity of its own, not one that is meticulously crafted by a trendy focus group somewhere in Islington. 

The idea of being in opposition is to shadow the government of the day. Starmer is a well-educated knight of the realm, he should know the difference between shadowing and mirroring by now. 

The short-term gains in the polls for Keir Starmer has only happened because of the mind-boggling awfulness of Boris Johnson. Once the Tories replace Johnson - and they will - Starmer and the Labour Party will be looking at their eighth relaunch in less than two years. 

Something we were often told by the centrist neoliberal saboteurs - when we were ahead in the polls under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn - was not to pay the polls any attention, because the only poll that matters is when the people go and vote. 

But at the same time, when we were behind in the polls, we were told by Tony Blair, James O’Brien and countless other folk identifying themselves with an FBPE hashtag, that Labour would be twenty points ahead of the Conservatives under the leadership of ABC - Anyone But Corbyn. 

But now, the same people that said we shouldn’t give the polls any credence, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, are now demanding you stand back and give Keir Starmer a round of applause, because they’re slightly ahead in the polls. 

And if Labour are behind in the polls, as they were until Project Johnson capitulated, it was down to the legacy of Jeremy Corbyn, even some eighteen months into Keir Starmer’s leadership. 

For what it’s worth, Jeremy Corbyn left the Labour Party as the largest political party in Europe, with millions in the bank, and a fantastic socialist manifesto - something that Keir Starmer planned to honour when he was running for the party leadership with those bullshit-laden ten pledges. 

Keir Starmer has lost at least 120,000 Labour Party members. They no longer have millions in the bank - which is why Starmer is pleading with the super rich to fund the Labour Party. Nobody knows what Starmer’s Labour Party stands for. Do you? 

As I have said before, some good socialists remain in the Labour Party, but one good socialist that is no longer a Party member is 84 year old, Anne Belworthy, who has just been thrown out of Keir Starmer’s Labour Party for liking some pro-Palestine tweets from the ‘Labour in Exile Group’. 

I know what you centrists are thinking. Another leftie that joined up under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn out of the way, right? 

Wrong. Anne was a member of the Labour Party for SIXTY FIVE years. 

You disgust me, Mr Starmer and Mr Evans.

Let me finish up on this. 

Some twenty months into the era of beige, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to see how the great electable Starmer is getting on, when it comes to the only poll that really matters.

Hartlepool lost to the Tories - Corbyn won the seat twice.

327 council seats have been lost, as well as control of 8 councils.

They won a humiliating 1.6% of the vote at Chesham and Amersham , which was Labour's worst result ever. 

A majority of 3,500 in Batley and Spen was turned into a majority of just 335. 

And just this week in the North Shropshire by-election the Labour vote collapsed by 12.4%, picking up just 9.7% of the overall vote. 

So, tell me again how Labour is an opposition party that is “ready for government” when they’re not even capable of being an electable and effective opposition? 

It’s not like you even need to take my word for it, because the electorate - not carefully selected by a polling company - continue to deliver their verdict on Keir Starmer’s Labour Party. 

The churlish, patronising and often abusive nonsense from a few Starmer Stans on Twitter - churning out the same pre-scripted lines from the WhatsApp groups - count for absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. 

Just like their leader. 

I hope you all have a peaceful and happy Christmas, and thank you for your incredible support. 

Until next time, 

Rachael 🎄

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, if you want to chip in towards improving my ongoing campaign, and it would cause you *no hardship*, you can do so here:


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